
0c9c401972294bf094c5b4780ad5bdc438e4f2ae — Zack Stickles 5 months ago e18d8f9 main
working on updating all functions
6 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

M board.py
M logic.py
M state.py
A tests/test_advancement_2.py
M utils/print_game.py
M utils/test_helpers.py
M board.py => board.py +37 -3
@@ 1,11 1,11 @@
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Union
from typing import Tuple, Union, Dict, List
from state import Snake, Pos

# TODO: notes
def get_snake_bodies_2(snakes: List[Snake], you: Union[Snake, None]=None) -> List[Pos]:
def get_snake_bodies_2(snakes: Dict[str, Snake], you: Union[Tuple[str, Snake], None]=None) -> List[Pos]:
    bodies = []
    for snake in snakes:
    for snake in snakes.items():
        body = deepcopy(snake[1])
        if you != None and snake == you:
            bodies += body[1:]

@@ 66,3 66,37 @@ def get_next_pos(board, pos, direction, wrapped=True):
        new_pos = get_wrapped_pos(board, new_pos)

    return new_pos

def get_wrapped_pos_2(board: Tuple[int, int], pos: Pos):
    new_x = pos[0]
    new_y = pos[1]
    width = board[0]
    height = board[1]

    if new_x < 0: new_x = width - 1
    if new_x >= width: new_x = 0
    if new_y < 0: new_y = height - 1
    if new_y >= height: new_y = 0

    return (new_x, new_y)

# FIXME: str not Dir due to circular imports
def get_next_pos_2(board: Tuple[int, int], pos: Pos, direction: str, wrapped=True):
    new_pos = deepcopy(pos)

    if direction == "up":
        new_pos = (pos[0], pos[1]+1)

    if direction == "down":
        new_pos = (pos[0], pos[1]-1)

    if direction == "left":
        new_pos = (pos[0]-1, pos[1])

    if direction == "right":
        new_pos = (pos[0]+1, pos[1])

    if wrapped:
        new_pos = get_wrapped_pos_2(board, new_pos)

    return new_pos

M logic.py => logic.py +32 -27
@@ 1,51 1,56 @@
from copy import deepcopy
import random
import itertools
from typing import Literal, Tuple, List
from typing import Literal, Dict
import bitboard
from state import State
from board import is_snake_in_board, get_snake_bodies, get_snake_bodies_2, get_next_pos
from board import is_snake_in_board, get_snake_bodies, get_snake_bodies_2, get_next_pos, get_next_pos_2

Dir = Literal["up", "down", "left", "right"]
Move = Tuple[str, Dir]

# TODO: advance_state that handles new state format
def advance_state_2(prev_state: State, moves: List[Move]) -> State:
    snakes = deepcopy(prev_state["snakes"]) # TODO: verify this copy is correct
    food = deepcopy(prev_state["food"]) # TODO: verify this copy is correct
# TODO: handle head-to-head interactions
def advance_state_2(prev_state: State, moves: Dict[str, Dir]) -> State:
    snakes = deepcopy(prev_state["snakes"])
    food = deepcopy(prev_state["food"])

    # move snakes
    for [snake_id, body] in snakes:
        move = None
        for [move_snake_id, snake_move] in moves:
            if move_snake_id == snake_id:
                move = snake_move
        head = get_next_pos(prev_state["board"], body[0], move)
        body = [head] + body # NOTE: might be a more efficient way to do this
    for (snake_id, body) in snakes.items():
        move = moves[snake_id]
        head = get_next_pos_2(prev_state["board"], body[0], move)
        body = [head] + body

    # kill off snakes that run into each other
    # TODO: handle head-to-head interactions
    alive_snakes = []
    for snake in snakes:
        if snake[1][0] not in get_snake_bodies_2(snakes, snake):

    alive_snakes = {}
    for s in snakes.items():
        if s[1][0] not in get_snake_bodies_2(snakes, s):
            alive_snakes[s[0]] = s[1]

    # remove consumed food, keep track of who's eaten
    remaining_food = []
    fed_snakes = []
    for f in food:
        consumed = False
        for (snake_id, body) in snakes.items():
            if body[0] == f:
                consumed = True
        if not consumed:

    # handle food / growth interactions
    # loop through food
    # if food is at head of snake, remove snake and keep snake at length
    # if snake hasn't eaten, remove tail
    # if a snake hasn't eaten, remove it's tail
    for (snake_id, body) in snakes.items():
        if snake_id not in fed_snakes:
            body = body[:-1]

    return {
        "turn": prev_state["turn"] + 1,
        "board": prev_state["board"],
        "hazards": prev_state["hazards"],
        "food": [], # TODO
        "food": remaining_food,
        "snakes": alive_snakes,

def advance_state(state, moves: List[Move]):
def advance_state(state, moves):
    new_state = deepcopy(state) # gross
    board = new_state["board"]

M state.py => state.py +4 -7
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, TypedDict

Pos = Tuple[int, int]
Snake = Tuple[str, List[Pos]] # TODO: health?
Snake = List[Pos] # TODO: health?

class State(TypedDict):

@@ 12,7 12,7 @@ class State(TypedDict):
    board: Tuple[int, int]
    food: List[Pos]
    hazards: List[Pos]
    snakes: List[Snake]
    snakes: Dict[str, Snake]

def dict_to_tuple(pos: Dict[str, int]) -> Pos:

@@ 31,11 31,8 @@ def parse_state(state) -> State:
        "board": (state["board"]["width"], state["board"]["height"]),
        "food": [dict_to_tuple(pos) for pos in state["board"]["food"]],
        "hazards": [dict_to_tuple(pos) for pos in state["board"]["hazards"]],
        "snakes": [parse_snake(snake) for snake in state["board"]["snakes"]],
        "snakes": {s["id"]:parse_snake(s) for s in state["board"]["snakes"]},

def parse_snake(snake) -> Snake:
    return (
        [dict_to_tuple(pos) for pos in snake["body"]]
    return [dict_to_tuple(pos) for pos in snake["body"]]

A tests/test_advancement_2.py => tests/test_advancement_2.py +50 -0
@@ 0,0 1,50 @@
from typing import Dict
import unittest
from logic import advance_state_2, Dir
from utils.test_helpers import generate_state_2
from utils.print_game import print_to_screen_2

class TestAdvancement2(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_advance_bodies(self):
        Testing that the snake head AND bodies are moved into the correct place
        after several moves. The hypothesis is that the neck position isn't
        moving correctly.
        state_1 = generate_state_2([
            ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
            ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
            ["a", "a", "A", "_"],
            ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
            ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
        print_to_screen_2(state_1, True)
        snake_a = state_1["snakes"]["snake-a"]
        self.assertEqual(snake_a[0], (2, 2))
        self.assertIn((2, 2), snake_a)
        self.assertIn((1, 2), snake_a)
        self.assertIn((0, 2), snake_a)

        # FIXME: it doesn't look like we're advancing
        # state_2 = generate_state([
        #     ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
        #     ["_", "_", "A", "_"],
        #     ["_", "a", "a", "_"],
        #     ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
        #     ["_", "_", "_", "_"],
        # ])
        # update the body segment order to match what the API would give (in
        # order from head to tail
        snake_a[0] = (2, 2)
        snake_a[1] = (1, 2)
        snake_a[2] = (0, 2)
        moves_1: Dict[str, Dir] = {"snake-a": "up"}
        state_2 = advance_state_2(state_1, moves_1)
        snake_a = state_2["snakes"]["snake-a"]
        self.assertEqual(snake_a[0], (2, 3))
        self.assertIn((2, 3), snake_a)
        self.assertIn((2, 2), snake_a)
        self.assertIn((1, 2), snake_a)

if __name__ == "__main__":

M utils/print_game.py => utils/print_game.py +56 -0
@@ 1,4 1,60 @@
from board import get_snake_bodies
from state import State

def print_to_screen_2(state: State, numbers=False, turn=False):
    print(get_state_str_2(state, numbers, turn))

def get_state_str_2(state: State, numbers: bool, turn: bool) -> str:
    results = ""
    snakes = [s[1] for s in state["snakes"].items()]

    if turn:
        results += f"===== turn: {state['turn']} =====\n"

    for vert in range(state["board"][1]):
        y = state["board"][1] - vert - 1
        if numbers:
            if y < 10:
                results += f"{y} "
                results += f"{y}"
        for x in range(state["board"][0]):
            pos = (x, y)

            if pos in state["hazards"]:
                results += "x "
            elif pos in state["food"]:
                results += "o "

            printed = False
            for (i, s) in enumerate(snakes):
                if i == 0:
                    if pos == s[0]:
                        results += "Y "
                        printed = True
                    elif pos in s:
                        results += "b "
                        printed = True
                    if pos == s[0]:
                        results += "H "
                        printed = True
                    elif pos in s:
                        results += "b "
                        printed = True
            if not printed:
                results += "_ "

        results += "\n"

    if numbers:
        results += f"  "
        for x in range(state["board"][0]):
            results += f"{x} "

        results += "\n"

    return results

def print_to_screen(state, numbers=False, turn=False):
    print(get_state_str(state, numbers, turn))

M utils/test_helpers.py => utils/test_helpers.py +42 -0
@@ 1,4 1,46 @@
from typing import List
from state import State

def generate_state_2(test_input: List[List[str]]) -> State:
    height = len(test_input)
    width = len(test_input[1])
    food = []
    hazards = []
    snakes = { "snake-a": [], "snake-b": [] }
    snake_a_head = None
    snake_b_head = None

    for vert, row in enumerate(test_input):
        y = height - vert - 1
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            pos = (x, y)
            if cell == "o":
            if cell == "x":
            if cell == "A":
                snake_a_head = pos
            if cell == "a":
            if cell == "B":
                snake_b_head = pos
            if cell == "b":

    snakes["snake-a"] = [snake_a_head] + snakes["snake-a"]

    if snake_b_head != None:
        snakes["snake-b"] = [snake_b_head] + snakes["snake-b"]
        del snakes["snake-b"]

    return {
        "turn": 1,
        "board": (width, height),
        "food": food,
        "hazards": hazards,
        "snakes": snakes

def generate_state(test_input: List[List[str]]):
    board = generate_board(test_input)