M .config/fish/config.fish => .config/fish/config.fish +8 -1
@@ 71,7 71,12 @@ if status is-interactive
starship init fish | source
# fzf keybindings
- source /usr/share/fzf/shell/key-bindings.fish
+ if [ "$DISTRO" = "fedora" ]
+ source /usr/share/fzf/shell/key-bindings.fish
+ end
+ if [ "$DISTRO" = "manjaro" ]
+ source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.fish
+ end
# fre
@@ 79,4 84,6 @@ if status is-interactive
status --is-command-substitution; and return
fre --add (pwd)
+ source ~/.config/fish/git.fish
M .config/fish/fish_variables => .config/fish/fish_variables +1 -1
@@ 40,4 40,4 @@ SETUVAR fish_pager_color_selected_background:\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dbrblack
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_selected_completion:\x1d
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_selected_description:\x1d
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_selected_prefix:\x1d
-SETUVAR fish_user_paths:/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/share/npm\x2dglobal/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/share/cargo/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/bin/scripts\x1e/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/bin
+SETUVAR fish_user_paths:/home/zethra/\x2elocal/share/cargo/bin\x1e/home/zethra/\x2elocal/bin/scripts\x1e/home/zethra/\x2elocal/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/share/npm\x2dglobal/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/share/cargo/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/bin/scripts\x1e/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin\x1e/var/home/sasha/\x2elocal/bin
A .config/fish/git.fish => .config/fish/git.fish +159 -0
@@ 0,0 1,159 @@
+# migrating from https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
+# Aliases
+alias g='git'
+#compdef g=git
+alias gst='git status'
+#compdef _git gst=git-status
+alias gd='git diff'
+#compdef _git gd=git-diff
+alias gdc='git diff --cached'
+#compdef _git gdc=git-diff
+alias gl='git pull'
+#compdef _git gl=git-pull
+alias gup='git pull --rebase'
+#compdef _git gup=git-fetch
+alias gp='git push'
+#compdef _git gp=git-push
+alias gd='git diff'
+function gdv
+ git diff -w $argv | view -
+#compdef _git gdv=git-diff
+alias gc='git commit -v'
+#compdef _git gc=git-commit
+alias gc!='git commit -v --amend'
+#compdef _git gc!=git-commit
+alias gca='git commit -v -a'
+#compdef _git gc=git-commit
+alias gca!='git commit -v -a --amend'
+#compdef _git gca!=git-commit
+alias gcmsg='git commit -m'
+#compdef _git gcmsg=git-commit
+alias gco='git checkout'
+#compdef _git gco=git-checkout
+alias gcm='git checkout master'
+alias gr='git remote'
+#compdef _git gr=git-remote
+alias grv='git remote -v'
+#compdef _git grv=git-remote
+alias grmv='git remote rename'
+#compdef _git grmv=git-remote
+alias grrm='git remote remove'
+#compdef _git grrm=git-remote
+alias grset='git remote set-url'
+#compdef _git grset=git-remote
+alias grup='git remote update'
+#compdef _git grset=git-remote
+alias grbi='git rebase -i'
+#compdef _git grbi=git-rebase
+alias grbc='git rebase --continue'
+#compdef _git grbc=git-rebase
+alias grba='git rebase --abort'
+#compdef _git grba=git-rebase
+alias gb='git branch'
+#compdef _git gb=git-branch
+alias gba='git branch -a'
+#compdef _git gba=git-branch
+alias gcount='git shortlog -sn'
+#compdef gcount=git
+alias gcl='git config --list'
+alias gcp='git cherry-pick'
+#compdef _git gcp=git-cherry-pick
+alias glg='git log --stat --max-count=10'
+#compdef _git glg=git-log
+alias glgg='git log --graph --max-count=10'
+#compdef _git glgg=git-log
+alias glgga='git log --graph --decorate --all'
+#compdef _git glgga=git-log
+alias glo='git log --oneline'
+#compdef _git glo=git-log
+alias gss='git status -s'
+#compdef _git gss=git-status
+alias ga='git add'
+#compdef _git ga=git-add
+alias gm='git merge'
+#compdef _git gm=git-merge
+alias grh='git reset HEAD'
+alias grhh='git reset HEAD --hard'
+alias gclean='git reset --hard; and git clean -dfx'
+alias gwc='git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium'
+#remove the gf alias
+#alias gf='git ls-files | grep'
+alias gpoat='git push origin --all; and git push origin --tags'
+alias gmt='git mergetool --no-prompt'
+#compdef _git gm=git-mergetool
+alias gg='git gui citool'
+alias gga='git gui citool --amend'
+alias gk='gitk --all --branches'
+alias gsts='git stash show --text'
+alias gsta='git stash'
+alias gstp='git stash pop'
+alias gstd='git stash drop'
+# Will cd into the top of the current repository
+# or submodule.
+alias grt='cd (git rev-parse --show-toplevel; or echo ".")'
+# Git and svn mix
+alias git-svn-dcommit-push='git svn dcommit; and git push github master:svntrunk'
+#compdef git-svn-dcommit-push=git
+alias gsr='git svn rebase'
+alias gsd='git svn dcommit'
+# Will return the current branch name
+# Usage example: git pull origin $(current_branch)
+function current_branch
+ set ref (git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null); or \
+ set ref (git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null); or return
+ echo ref | sed s-refs/heads--
+function current_repository
+ set ref (git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null); or \
+ set ref (git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null); or return
+ echo (git remote -v | cut -d':' -f 2)
+# these aliases take advantage of the previous function
+alias ggpull='git pull origin (current_branch)'
+#compdef ggpull=git
+alias ggpur='git pull --rebase origin (current_branch)'
+#compdef ggpur=git
+alias ggpush='git push origin (current_branch)'
+#compdef ggpush=git
+alias ggpnp='git pull origin (current_branch); and git push origin (current_branch)'
+#compdef ggpnp=git
+# Pretty log messages
+function _git_log_prettily
+ if ! [ -z $1 ]; then
+ git log --pretty=$1
+ end
+alias glp="_git_log_prettily"
+#compdef _git glp=git-log
+# Work In Progress (wip)
+# These features allow to pause a branch development and switch to another one (wip)
+# When you want to go back to work, just unwip it
+# This function return a warning if the current branch is a wip
+function work_in_progress
+ if git log -n 1 | grep -q -c wip; then
+ echo "WIP!!"
+ end
+# these alias commit and uncomit wip branches
+alias gwip='git add -A; git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm; git commit -m "wip"'
+alias gunwip='git log -n 1 | grep -q -c wip; and git reset HEAD~1'
M .config/zsh/.zshrc => .config/zsh/.zshrc +10 -10
@@ 5,16 5,16 @@ export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
# Start tmux if it's installed, this is an iteractive shell, and we aren't already in tmux
TERMINAL="$(ps -p$PPID | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}')"
-if command -v tmux &> /dev/null &&
- [ -n "$PS1" ] &&
- [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ screen ]] &&
- [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ tmux ]] &&
- [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ yakuake ]] &&
- [ -z "$NESTED" ] &&
- [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
- exec tmux
+# if command -v tmux &> /dev/null &&
+# [ -n "$PS1" ] &&
+# [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ screen ]] &&
+# [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ tmux ]] &&
+# [[ ! "$TERMINAL" =~ yakuake ]] &&
+# [ -z "$NESTED" ] &&
+# [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
+# exec tmux
+# fi
export NESTED=1
export DISTRO="$(grep -Po '^ID=\K(.*)' < /etc/os-release)"