
Artifact for "Loop Rerolling for Hardware Decompilation", PLDI 2023
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#Loop Rerolling for Hardware Decompilation: Artifact


Loop Rerolling For Hardware Decompilation
Zachary D. Sisco, Jonathan Balkind, Timothy Sherwood, Ben Hardekopf
Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) 2023

#Artifact Overview

For evaluation, we split the artifact into 4 main parts:

  1. Loop Identification (/loop-identification/):

    • Given a benchmark suite of module-level netlists,run our loop identification tool over each netlist and produce a set of loop candidates.The result is a generated Racket file for each netlist (translated to our hardware loop rerolling IR, Maki) that gets fed into the loop rerolling tool in Step 2.
  2. Loop Rerolling (/loop-reolling/):

    • For each Maki IR program and set of loop candidates generated from Step 1, perform hardware loop rerolling. The result is a decompiled HDL program (in either SystemVerilog or PyRTL) with rerolled loops.
  3. Simulation (/simulation/):

    • To compare simulation times between the decompiled HDL code with rerolled loops and the original netlist, we have a set of scripts that simulates the two designs in Verilator and collects the timing results.
  4. Yosys Scripts for Converting Verilog to BLIF (/yosys-scripts/):

    • While we provide all netlists for evaluating the benchmark suite, users can also generate their own from Verilog using Yosys. For evaluation, the scripts in this directory are optional.


If evaluated through the Docker container, all requirements will already be satisfied, but for clarity, our tool requires the following:

  • Python v3.9
  • PyRTL with branch blif-cells checked out
  • Racket >v8.1 (the Docker image installs 8.7)
  • Rosette
  • Verilator (optional, used for simulation evaluation)
  • Yosys (optional, used for producing and importing your own netlists)

#How to proceed

The whole environment for the artifact can be set up using Docker.

#Step 1

Run the docker-build.sh script to build the Docker image. (Depending how Docker is installed on your machine, you may need to run the script with sudo/doas.)

$ ./docker-build.sh`

#Step 2

After successfully building the Docker image, run the docker-run.sh to launch the Docker image, landing you at a bash shell prompt.

$ ./docker-run.sh`

#Step 3

Next, cd into the loop-identification directory, and read the README.md file, following the steps written there.

#Step 4

Next, cd into the loop-rerolling directory, and read the README.md file, following the steps written there.

#Step 5

Finally, cd into the simulation directory, and read the README.md file, following the steps written there.