@@ 30,19 30,18 @@ pub fn decrypt_message(
new_eph: &SecretKey,
old_eph: &SecretKey,
) -> Option<(SufecAddr, Message)> {
- let inner = sealedbox::open(outer, &account.addr.id, &account.seckey).ok()?;
- let mut offset = 0;
- let addr_len = u32::from_be_bytes(inner.get(..4)?.try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
- offset += 4;
- let their_addr = SufecAddr::from_bytes(inner.get(offset..offset+addr_len)?)?;
- offset += addr_len;
- let their_eph = inner.get(offset..offset+PUBLICKEYBYTES)?;
+ let mut inner: &[u8] = &sealedbox::open(outer, &account.addr.id, &account.seckey).ok()?;
+ let addr_len = *inner.get(0)? as usize;
+ inner = &inner[1..];
+ let their_addr = SufecAddr::from_bytes(inner.get(..addr_len)?)?;
+ inner = &inner[addr_len..];
+ let their_eph = inner.get(..PUBLICKEYBYTES)?;
+ inner = &inner[PUBLICKEYBYTES..];
let their_eph = PublicKey::from_slice(their_eph).unwrap();
- let nonce = inner.get(offset..offset+NONCEBYTES)?;
+ let nonce = inner.get(..NONCEBYTES)?;
+ inner = &inner[NONCEBYTES..];
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce).unwrap();
- offset += NONCEBYTES;
- let ciphertext = &inner[offset..];
+ let ciphertext = inner;
// Try with the new key.
let shared_key = tripledh(&account.seckey, new_eph, &their_addr.id, &their_eph);
let decrypted = match open_precomputed(ciphertext, &nonce, &shared_key).ok() {