
A calculator for common fractions
Improve validation of impure expressions
Give a name to the special reference value for '$$'
Use madeline instead of a custom line editor


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csq - calculator squared, or just calculatorĀ²

Fancy command-line calculator that uses fractions instead of decimal floating point numbers.

It works like any other calculator, with exception of division, which returns a fraction. After evaluation, the result is reduced, so (4 + 3) / 21 = 7/21 = 1/3. Basic line editing is also provided. Press Ctrl+D to quit.

Syntax reference:

  • a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b - self-explanatory
  • a ^ b - raises a to the power of b, b must have denominator of 1
  • a % b - returns the remainder from divsion of a by b, both must have denominator of 1
  • (expression) - sets highest precedence for expression
  • $N - returns the value of N-th expression
  • $$ - return the value of the previous expression
  • sqrt(a) - returns a very approximated square root of a
  • a! - returns a factorial of a. Note that it currently can't compute factorials larger than 20!.
  • option <name> [value] - set or get the value of an option
    • option mixed [0|1] - whether mixed fractions should be displayed. Default: 1
    • option preview [0|1] - whether inline previews should be displayed Default: 1


$ csq
(1) 21 / 7 = 3
(2) 7 / 21 = 1/3
(3) $2 * 3 = 1
(4) sqrt(64) = 8
(5) 0.5 ^ 2 = 1/4



$ make
# make install


Please send patches to ~yerinalexey/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht using git send-email with prefix set to csq:

$ git config format.subjectPrefix "PATCH csq"