
Neovim plugin for looking up and inserting Unicode and Nerd Fonts characters by name
Initial version


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unicode-search is a Neovim plugin for looking up and inserting Unicode and Nerd Fonts characters by name.


unicode-search can be used with either vim.ui.select or mini.pick. However, note that the default vim.ui.select implementation does not support searching and cannot handle this many choices, so you will need to use an alternative implementation! I am also open to adding telescope.nvim support if requested.

Do not copy the below code, it is just a showcase of all features. Use your own configuration.

local unicode_search = require("unicode-search")
-- Select a Unicode character using vim.ui.select
vim.keymap.set("i", "<a-u>", function() unicode_search.select(unicode_search.unicode_data) end, { desc = "Find Unicode character" })
-- Select a Nerd Fonts character using vim.ui.select
vim.keymap.set("i", "<a-n>", function() unicode_search.select(unicode_search.nerd_fonts) end, { desc = "Find Nerd Fonts character" })
-- Select a Unicode character using mini.pick
vim.keymap.set("i", "<a-u>", function() unicode_search.mini_pick(unicode_search.unicode_data) end, { desc = "Find Unicode character" })
-- Select a Nerd Fonts character using mini.pick
vim.keymap.set("i", "<a-n>", function() unicode_search.mini_pick(unicode_search.nerd_fonts) end, { desc = "Find Nerd Fonts character" })
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