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Correct hyperlink to Bookwyrm v0.7.3
Announce move to BookWyrm v0.7.3
Announce move to BookWyrm v0.6.5; correct a tiny archive typo.
Announce potential of reversion to BookWyrm v0.6.3
Bring list of announcements up to date with WLYBSMWAI using BWv0.6.4
Announce move to BookWyrm v0.6.4
Repair typo among names of BookWyrm services in update instructions.
Mention Dockerlessness of BookWyrm upgrade directions.
Summarise method of updating BookWyrm to latest version.
Announce move to BookWyrm v0.6.1
Leave out subheadings on methods index, while they're gratuitous.
Remove announcements-related comment from index of methods.
Introduce a collection of write-ups of methods snailhuddle've used.
Avoid implying snails on world wide web could be the full huddle.
Title COPYING "snailhuddle copying", to better blend in.
Establish archive of official announcements (major and minor).
Trail web user addresses with forward slashes, save the server a step!
Convene links to subdomains (currently WLYBSMWAI), handy up near top of SHO homepage.
Trick licence(s) included in pages from COPYING into hyperlinked publication.
Conjoin the v(ersion) & the number in the title of the BookWyrm licence page.
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