docs(README): minor typos, 'reuse' badge link changed to, contribute and mirror information added
feat: specific .onion link removed from header section
docs(README): reuse badge added
Custom Pelican Theme, used for example at, with some retro charm from back in the CRT terminal days.
During creation, especially the following resources were very helpful, inspiring and parts might also be used in this template:
Pelican Docs - Creating themes: Directlink (Archive: [1], [2])
Pelican Simple Theme: Directlink (Archive: [1], [2])
Freak Spot - Jinja logic to create a Archive Index: Directlink (Archive: [1], [2])
CRT / Retro Terminal Colors: Directlink (Archive: [1], [2])
WebAIM - useful content and tools regarding accessibility:
The primary location is:
Mirrors of the repository are available on Codeberg, Gitlab and Github.
Don't hesitate to provide Feedback, open an Issue or create an Pull / Merge Request.
Just pick the workflow or platform you prefer and are most comfortable with.
Feedback, Bug Reports or Patches via Email are also always welcome.
Unless otherwise stated: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later
All files contain license information either as header comment
or corresponding .license
REUSE from the FSFE implemented to verify license and copyright compliance.