docs(SPDX): Bill of material generated by reuse in SPDX format added
docs(README): Add compliance badge
docs: Overview of assets that can be customized and their purpose
chore(css): Add additional copyright to file header
fix: Ensure assets don't get cached, force load on refresh
feat: Re-brand 'Flappy Any' to 'Flappy Mascot'
feat: Replace bird with tux as default mascot
feat: Customizable game title on start screen
feat: Introduce 'custom/' folder and allow customization of all images from 'assets/', see 'custom/' for further details
chore: Ensure approriate copyright holder information are set
feat: Whitelabel intro screen
feat: Change default bird from blue to yellow
feat: Remove random bird selection, use 'bird-sprite.png' by default
feat: Make blue bird the default, move red and yellow to new 'alternative' sub-folder
docs: Initial version of the Readme file added
fix: Assets license information adjusted to correct copyright holder
chore: Minor change to game description in manifest
fix: Add missing favicon image including license information
feat: Add reuse software and spdx compliant license header and information to each file
feat: Reuse Software init and License move to subfolder