
Server configuration: earth.xlii.cc
docs(LICENSE): NoLicense meaning clarified
feat(ansible): Rancher playbook added
build: Replace SSH secret, previous was wrong


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#Server configuration: earth.xlii.cc

Scripts and playbooks related to the configuration and maintenance of earth.xlii.cc

REUSE status builds.sr.ht status


The primary location is: https://git.sr.ht/~wombelix/earth-xlii-cc

Mirrors of the repository are available on Codeberg, Gitlab and Github.


Please don't hesitate to provide Feedback, open an Issue or create an Pull / Merge Request.

Just pick the workflow or platform you prefer and are most comfortable with.

Feedback, bug reports or patches to my sr.ht list ~wombelix/inbox@lists.sr.ht or via Email are also always welcome.


Unless otherwise stated: MIT

All files contain license information either as header comment or corresponding .license file.

REUSE from the FSFE implemented to verify license and copyright compliance.