
Helm Chart to receive Syslog events and push to AWS Cloudtrail Data via Fluent Bit
bump: version 0.3.0 → 0.3.1
bump: Prepare release 0.3.1
docs(README): Link to chart source repo fixed.



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#Helm Chart: Fluent Bit Syslog to AWS CloudTrail Data

Run a Fluent Bit deployment with a pre-configured Syslog input and AWS CloudTrail Data output. Leverages the fluent-bit-aws-cloudtrail-data Container Image (Dockerfile , Repository).

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#Table of Contents


The Helm Chart is automatically build and pushed to Quay.io on every new commit to the git repository. Chart versions in format X.Y.Z, e.g. 0.2.0, link to the git tag and release. Development / Pre-Release versions are based on main branch commits and have the format X.Y.Z-main+<GIT_SHA>, e.g. 0.2.0-main+e829413. This means, based on last release version plus main branch changes up to the commit hash.

Important: Version tags like 0.2.0-main+e829413 will show up in the OCI registry as 0.2.0-main_e829413. This is an expected behavior:

OCI artifact references (e.g. tags) do not support the plus sign (+). To support storing semantic versions, Helm adopts the convention of changing plus (+) to an underscore (_) in chart version tags when pushing to a registry and back to a plus (+) when pulling from a registry.


The plugin, container and helm chart was initially developed to push NeuVector logs and events to AWS CloudTrail Lake. The chart is generic and can be used with any software or system that supports Syslog.

Use helm install to deploy the chart, ensure to set the version and the path to a customized values.yaml.

For usage with NeuVector, it's recommend to deploy in the same namespace. Adjust the namespace parameter accordingly, for a standalone Helm deployment neuvector and for a Rancher deployment cattle-neuvector-system.

Example (Release)

helm install syslog-to-aws-cloudtrail-data \
    --namespace neuvector
    --version 0.2.0 \
    oci://quay.io/repository/wombelix/fluent-bit-syslog-to-aws-cloudtrail-data \
    --values values.yaml

Example (Dev / Pre-Release)

helm install syslog-to-aws-cloudtrail-data \
    --namespace neuvector
    --version 0.2.0-main+e829413 \
    oci://quay.io/repository/wombelix/fluent-bit-syslog-to-aws-cloudtrail-data \
    --values values.yaml

Please refer to values.yaml for a complete overview of all available configuration options.

It's required to set channelArn and to ensure that the AWS Region was either correctly auto-discovered or to set awsRegion manually.

More information and additional requirements of the aws-cloudtrail-data plugin.

Optional, but helpful for troubleshooting purposes, is to set debug and/or enableStandardOutput to true.


The primary location is: git.sr.ht/~wombelix/chart-fluent-bit-syslog-to-aws-cloudtrail-data.

Mirrors are available on Codeberg, Gitlab and Github.


Please don't hesitate to provide Feedback, open an Issue or create a Pull / Merge Request.

Just pick the workflow or platform you prefer and are most comfortable with.

Feedback, bug reports or patches to my sr.ht list ~wombelix/inbox@lists.sr.ht or via Email and Instant Messaging are also always welcome.


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