
A custom resource for CloudFormation to interact with SecureString values from AWS SSM Parameter Store
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#CloudFormation Custom Resource AWS SSM Parameter Store SecureString

A custom resource for CloudFormation to interact with SecureString values from AWS SSM Parameter Store. I came up with that while creating and managing AWS infrastructure for some of my side-projects.

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#Table of Contents


I use the following Cfn snippet to create an entry in AWS SSM Parameter Store, encrypted with an AWS KMS key. The different values coming from Parameters or other resources from my CloudFormation Stack.

ServiceToken is the arn of the custom resource Lambda function that will be triggered.

The rest should be self-explaining, Name, Value and Description will be added to the Parameter Store entry. KmsKeyId is the arn of the AWS KMS key you want to use to encrypt the the entry.

    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
      ServiceToken: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:${CustomResourceLambdaName}
      Name: !Ref ParameterNameForAccessKey
      Value: !Ref IAMUserIACOpenTofuAccessKey
      Description: !Sub "The access key for IAM User ${IAMUserIACOpenTofu}"
      KmsKeyId: !ImportValue
                  'Fn::Sub': ${KMSStackName}-KMSKeyBackendEncryptionArn
        - Key: "Environment"
          Value: "Production"
        - Key: "Usage"
          Value: "IAC-OpenTofu"


The primary location is: https://git.sr.ht/~wombelix/cfn-custom-resource-aws-ssm-securestring

Mirrors of the repository are available on Codeberg, Gitlab and Github.


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Just pick the workflow or platform you prefer and are most comfortable with.

Feedback, bug reports or patches to my sr.ht list ~wombelix/inbox@lists.sr.ht or via Email and Instant Messaging are also always welcome.


Unless otherwise stated: MIT

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