
A parser for the todo.txt file format
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A (WIP) parsing and manipulation library for the todo.txt format. It supports some tag extensions.

This library is currently a work in progress. Version numbers are not updated and breaking changes will be made quite often. Use with caution.

Parsing is done with nom, enabling zero-copy parsing from the input wherever no new types are created (e.g. dates are parsed into NaiveDate structs). Should a task be created or modified, a new copy will be created.


The following features are currently supported:

  • Creating, reading and modifying tasks
  • Recognised tag extensions (see below)

The following features are planned, in no particular order:

#Tag Extensions

The following tag extensions are supported. The format for each tag is given as a regular expression:

  • due:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}: Specify a due date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • rec:\+?\d+[dwmy]: Allow recurring tasks. + marks strict, d, w, m, and y resemble day, week, month, and year.

The following tag extensions are planned:

  • t: Threshold in the same format as due that only shows tasks that passed the specified date (achieved with filters)
  • tmr, spent: Keeping track of time spent on a task


Send patches to ~witcher/todotxt-devel@lists.sr.ht.

Instructions for preparing a patch are available at git-send-email.io.

Discussion happens at ~witcher/todotxt-discuss.

Announcements are posted on ~witcher/todotxt-announce.

Bugs and todo can be found at ~witcher/todotxt.

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