
Test BLE data throughput with an ESP32-C3
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Test throughput of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) using an ATT_MTU of 517 bytes, Data Packet Length Extension (DLE) of 251 bytes, and 2M PHY.


Install the dependencies:

  • Rust
  • cargo-espflash
  • cargo-espmonitor


Flash the program with the following command, replacing /dev/ttyACM0 with the tty where your microcontroller is connected:

cargo espflash --partition-table partitions.csv --flash-size 4MB --speed 921600 --monitor /dev/ttyACM0

This not only flashes but also activates monitoring. If monitoring is not desired, simply remove the --monitor flag.
Building and flashing in release mode can be achieved with --release.

Other options should be adjusted as needed.


To monitor the device and its output, use the following command, again replacing /dev/ttyACM0 with your microcontroller:

cargo espmonitor --chip esp32c3 --reset --speed 921600 /dev/ttyACM0

If automatically resetting the chip on connect is not desired, remove the --reset flag.
Monitoring the binary in release mode can be achieved with --release.

Other options should be adjusted as needed.


Send patches and questions to ~witcher/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht.

Instructions for preparing a patch are available at git-send-email.io.

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