
Source for my bachelor thesis
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This is the source to my bachelor thesis.

The template for the thesis was taken from the university that I studied at. It can be found here: https://gitlab.com/emi-hsog/vorlage-abschlussarbeit-latex

Please keep in mind that development of this thesis has ended as the thesis has been published and it is likely that any bugs/features will not be fixed/implemented.


You will need:

  • make
  • latexmk
  • lualatex

A call to make will build the PDF using latexmk and lualatex and write it to .build/thesis.pdf.

The PDF can be rebuilt on changes with make watch.


You may also use Nix to build the thesis:

nix build

The resulting PDF can be found in ./result/thesis.pdf.


Send patches and questions to ~witcher/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht.

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