
cca863318971651cdb39b09cd5457d5a377391c3 — Vincent Lee 3 years ago 4aa0d30
Start doing manual
3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M .gitignore
M info.rkt
A scribblings/manual.scrbl
M .gitignore => .gitignore +2 -0
@@ 1,1 1,3 @@

M info.rkt => info.rkt +1 -0
@@ 5,3 5,4 @@
(define build-deps '("racket-doc"
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/manual.scrbl" ())))

A scribblings/manual.scrbl => scribblings/manual.scrbl +80 -0
@@ 0,0 1,80 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@(require (for-label racket/undefined))
@(require (for-label "../main.rkt"))

@title{Concise Binary Object Representation}


This library implements serialization and deserialization routines for Concise Binary
Object Representation (CBOR), as defined in RFC 8949. The library takes in raw data
in the form of Racket data structures, outputting a serialized binary stream, and vice

@defproc[(cbor-write [config cbor-config?]
                     [v any/c]
                     [out output-port?])
Writes the value @racket[v] to @racket[out].
The following @racket[v] are accepted:
@item{Integers between -2@superscript{64} and 2@superscript{64} - 1, inclusive}
@item{@racket[#f] and @racket[#t]}
@item{Values @racket[equal?] to the value of @racket[(cbor-config-null-value config)]}
@item{@racket[bytes?] and @racket[string?]s}
@item{Lists and vectors of any item accepted by @racket[cbor-write]}
@item{Sequences of any item accepted by @racket[cbor-write]}
@item{Hashes of items accepted by @racket[cbor-write] (both the key and value)}
@item{Instances of @racket[cbor-tag]}
@item{Instances of @racket[cbor-simple-value]}
@item{TODO: Any value for which a tag serializer procedure is registered in @racket[config]}

@defproc[(cbor-read [config cbor-config?]
                    [in input-port?])
Reads a binary-serialized CBOR value from @racket[in].
Major types are decoded as follows:
@item{Major type 0 (unsigned integer) and 1 (negative integer) are decoded as standard Racket integers}
@item{Major type 2 (byte string) and 3 (string) are decoded as Racket @racket[bytes?] and @racket[string?], respectively}
@item{Major type 4 (list) is decoded as a Racket @racket[list?] of the contained values}
@item{Major type 5 (map) is decoded as a Racket @racket[hash-equal?] of the contained key-value pairs}
@item{Major type 6 (tag) is decoded as a @racket[cbor-tag]. TODO detail custom deserializers}
@item{Major type 7, additional data 20, 21, and 23 (false, true, and undefined) are decoded as @racket[#f], @racket[#t], and @racket[undefined], respectively}
@item{Major type 7, additional data 22 is decoded as the value of @racket[(cbor-config-null-value config)]}
@item{Major type 7, additional data 25, 26, and 27 (half float, single float, and double float, respectively), are all decoded as Racket @racket[flonum?]. Note that this library decodes all of these three types to Racket's double-width floating point type.}
@item{Any other item with major type 7 and additional data matching @racket[cbor-unassigned-simple-value?] is decoded as a @racket[cbor-simple-value]}

@section{Configuration Options}

@section{Auxiliary Items}

@defproc[(cbor-valid-tag-number? [v any/c])
Equivalent to @racket[(integer-in 0 18446744073709551616)].

@defproc[(cbor-unassigned-simple-value? [v any/c])
Equivalent to @racket[(or/c (integer-in 0 19) (integer-in 32 255))].

@defstruct[cbor-tag ([number cbor-valid-tag-number?] [content any/c])]{
Raw representation of a CBOR tag with tag number @racket[number] and tag content

@defstruct[cbor-simple-value ([inner cbor-unassigned-simple-value?])]{
Represents a CBOR Simple Value. Only simple values that have not been assigned a meaning via
RFC can be represented as this struct. Simple Values with predefined meaning such as @racket[#f] are always serialized and deserialized directly as their meaningful forms.
