M lib/vector.ml => lib/vector.ml +16 -15
@@ 12,6 12,8 @@ let bits_per_level = 5
let branch_factor = 1 lsl bits_per_level
(* inner_mask is used to access items within a single level of the tree *)
let inner_mask = branch_factor - 1
+(* For debugging in-development *)
+let verbose = false
type 'a node = {
(* Note: This array is always [branch_factor]-sized. *)
@@ 101,7 103,6 @@ let tail_offset (t : 'a t) : int =
[i] is not in bounds.
let array_for
- ?(verbose : bool = false)
(t : 'a t) (i : int) : 'a node_item array option =
if verbose then
Printf.eprintf "array_for %d:" i;
@@ 122,8 123,8 @@ let array_for
Printf.eprintf " -> %d" idx in
match node.array.(idx) with
| Inner node -> descend node (height - bits_per_level)
- | Leaf _
- | Empty -> failwith "Invariant violation, should only have inner nodes in array_for"
+ | Leaf _ -> failwith "Invariant violation, found Leaf in array_for"
+ | Empty -> failwith "Invariant violation, found Empty in array_for"
Some (descend t.root t.height)
@@ 139,6 140,7 @@ let verify_invariants (t : 'a t) : unit =
assert (t == empty () || (Array.length t.tail) > 0);
(* Tail should only have leaves *)
assert (is_all_leaves t.tail);
+ assert (Int.equal 0 (t.height mod bits_per_level));
let rec check_level node height =
if Int.equal 0 height then
assert (is_all_leaves node.array)
@@ 272,11 274,6 @@ let pop_opt (t : 'a t) : 'a t option =
let last_index = count - 1 in
if last_index > (tail_offset t) then
(* Shrink tail *)
- let () = Printf.eprintf "last_index %d, tail_offset %d, tail length %d\n"
- last_index
- (tail_offset t)
- (Array.length t.tail)
- in
let tail = Array.sub t.tail 0 (Array.length t.tail - 1) in
Some { t with tail; count = count - 1 }
@@ 284,23 281,25 @@ let pop_opt (t : 'a t) : 'a t option =
go into tree and pluck out array to be the new tail.
let new_last_index = last_index - 1 in
- let new_tail = array_for ~verbose:true t new_last_index |> Option.get in
+ let new_tail = array_for t new_last_index |> Option.get in
assert (Int.equal branch_factor (Array.length new_tail)
- && is_all_leaves new_tail);
+ && is_all_leaves new_tail);
(* Remove the new tail from the subtree rooted at [parent]
Returns the new version of [parent]
Inverse of [append_node] in [append]. *)
let rec remove parent height =
let child_index = (new_last_index lsr height) land inner_mask in
- if Int.equal bits_per_level height then
+ if height < bits_per_level then
+ failwith "Invariant violation"
+ else if Int.equal bits_per_level height then
let new_node = { array = Array.copy parent.array } in
let () = new_node.array.(child_index) <- Empty in
let old_child = match parent.array.(child_index) with
| Inner node -> node
- | Leaf _
- | Empty -> failwith "Invariant violation, only expecting Inner"
+ | Leaf _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Invariant violation at height %d, expecting Inner, got Leaf" height)
+ | Empty -> failwith "Invariant violation, expecting Inner, got Empty"
let child = remove old_child (height - bits_per_level) in
let new_node = { array = Array.copy parent.array } in
@@ 316,8 315,10 @@ let pop_opt (t : 'a t) : 'a t option =
let (root, height) =
(* TODO should we use bit logic to correspond with append_node? *)
match root.array.(0), root.array.(1) with
- (* Tree should shrink *)
- | Inner inner, Empty -> inner, t.height - bits_per_level
+ (* Tree should shrink. The `when` is so that we keep an empty tree node
+ when dropping below [branch-factor] elements *)
+ | Inner inner, Empty when t.height > bits_per_level ->
+ inner, t.height - bits_per_level
(* Tree doesn't need to shrink *)
| _ -> root, t.height
M lib/vector.mli => lib/vector.mli +2 -2
@@ 9,14 9,14 @@ val empty : unit -> 'a t
(** Gets the element at index, or None if out of bounds *)
val nth_opt : 'a t -> int -> 'a option
-(** Gets the element at index, or raises Invalid_argument if out of bounds *)
+(** Gets the element at index, or raises [Invalid_argument] if out of bounds *)
val nth : 'a t -> int -> 'a
(** Appends an element to the vector *)
val append : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
(** Returns a new vector with index i associated to a. If i is equal to the current vector size, a is appended to the vector, expanding it.
- If i is less than zero or greater than the current vector size, Invalid_argument is raised.
+ If i is less than zero or greater than the current vector size, [Invalid_argument] is raised.
val update : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
M test/vectorTest.ml => test/vectorTest.ml +15 -5
@@ 10,19 10,29 @@ let test_insert_seq_sanity () =
let actual = List.of_seq (Vector.to_seq v) in
assert (List.equal Int.equal actual expected)
+let array_equal a b =
+ let rec check idx =
+ if idx >= (Array.length a) then
+ true
+ else
+ (Int.equal a.(idx) b.(idx)) && check (idx + 1)
+ in
+ (Int.equal (Array.length a) (Array.length b)) &&
+ check 0
let test_insert_remove () =
let num = 1 lsl 14 in
let v = Seq.init num Fun.id |> Vector.of_seq in
+ let arr = Array.init num Fun.id in
let f (acc : int Vector.t) (i : int) : int Vector.t =
- Printf.eprintf "Iteration %d\n" i;
let next = Vector.pop acc in
- (* let actual = List.of_seq (Vector.to_seq v) in
- let expected = List.init (num - i - 1) Fun.id in
- assert (List.equal Int.equal actual expected); *)
+ let actual = Array.of_seq (Vector.to_seq next) in
+ let expected = Array.sub arr 0 (num - i - 1) in
+ assert (array_equal actual expected);
let v =
- List.fold_left f v (List.init num Fun.id)
+ Seq.fold_left f v (Seq.init num Fun.id)
assert (Int.equal 0 (Vector.length v))