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Dissertation for my Bachelor's in Computer Science
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#Linking and Exploring Data: Business Investment, Research and Grants

BSc Thesis at University of Nottingham, 2020

#Reproducing work

  1. Install PostgreSQL & set up a database + user
    • Setup database UTF-8 encoding and the GB locale for currency: $ sudo -u postgres initdb --lc-monetary=en_GB.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data
    • Create the database: $ sudo -u postgres createdb dis
    • Create user with superuser privileges in order to create extensions, and have full access to the database: $ sudo -u postgres createuser -U dis -s && psql -U postgres -d dis -c 'GRANT ALL ON DATABASE dis TO dis'
  2. Download data using scripts/ukriDownload Bash script
  3. Copy resulting XML files into PostgreSQL data directory (e.g. /var/lib/postgres/data)
    • Just the merged organisations.xml, projects.xml, etc. is needed
    • Make sure they're readable by the user that runs PostgreSQL (usually postgres)
  4. Run the main procedure, e.g.: psql -U dis -d dis -f scripts/main.sql

#Creating report

Run make dissertation.pdf


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