
920834f78302c66d8d6a3c35b0e5e9695e663e3b — William Clarke 2 years ago 3f36397
Mac sed works differently to linux; let's simplify!
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M ssssg
M ssssg => ssssg +2 -1
@@ 7,6 7,7 @@

main() {
    # Some housekeeping that's probably not 100% necessary

    rm -rf dst tmp && mkdir -p src/css src/posts \
        dst/posts dst/tags tmp/tags tmp/posts
    touch src/config.yaml src/_top.html src/_bottom.html src/_header.html

@@ 30,7 31,7 @@ main() {
    # Find all markdown files in out tmp directory and then turn them into
    # corresponding html in the dst path.
    find src tmp -name "*.md" -type f ! -path 'src/posts/*' | while read -r file; do
        html_dst_path="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\(tmp\|src\)/dst/;s/\.md$/\.html/')"
        html_dst_path="$(echo "$file" |  sed -e 's/src/dst/;s/tmp/dst/;s/\.md$/\.html/')"
        md_file_to_html_file "$file" > "$html_dst_path"