
09425720e9c30f55082354b93f227d7d78549309 — William Clarke 2 years ago bdb902c
Append to tmp/tags.md, don't overwrite
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M ssssg
M ssssg => ssssg +1 -1
@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ main() {
        tags_file=$(cat "tmp/tags/$tag.md")
        printf -- "---\ntitle: %s tags\n---\n\n%s" "$tag" "$tags_file" > "tmp/tags/$tag.md"
    sort -rn tmp/tags-unsorted.md | awk -F'-=-' '{ print $2 }'  > tmp/tags.md
    sort -rn tmp/tags-unsorted.md | awk -F'-=-' '{ print $2 }'  >> tmp/tags.md
    rm tmp/tags-unsorted.md

    # Find all markdown files in out tmp directory and then turn them into