This is basically an experiment to encourage me to learn how ML / AI actually works.
I generated these pretty rubbish models on my laptop(!) with 7b- & 13b-parameter Llama2 models.
This repo is roughly split in two main bits:
- A way to generate & rate short stories
- A web app (Python / Flask) to display the stories
#Interesting files include:
#Made with the following:
- Flask
- Sqlalchemy
- HuggingFace
- Langchain
Hosted on a digital ocean droplet (which is really nice)
- [-] IN PROGRESS - learn more about models (& fine-tune!)
- [X] Fine-tune model to determine whether text is actually a story or not (eg. huggingface fine-trained model)
- [X] Fine-tune model to determine whether story is good [Update: trained model (on reddit data) is useless. Need better data / better fine-tuning]
- [ ] improve prometheus metrics!
- [ ] allow human votes
- [ ] use own model?!
- [ ] log in / bot detection?
- [ ] Grafana???
- [ ] think of awesome monetisation ideas
- [X] SSL (surprisingly easy with certbot)
- [X] prometheus metrics or something
- [X] scrape reddit short stories / two sentence horror
- [X] tags
- [X] analytics!
- [X] sort by AI votes
- [X] get migrations working properly
- [X] make the website look half decent
- [X] stories page
- [X] stories page with lots of search-param filters. eg. tones, themes, votes
#Dev tips
flask db check
flask db migrate -m 'message'
flask db upgrade
flask db history
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "init; create stories tables"
alembic upgrade head