@@ 22,6 22,8 @@ type SurfaceStyle struct {
// The CornerRadius and Elevation fields of the embedded shadow
// style also define the corner radius and elevation of the card.
// Theme background color will be used if empty.
Fill color.NRGBA
// Surface creates a Surface style for the provided theme with sensible default
@@ 40,7 42,13 @@ func (c SurfaceStyle) Layout(gtx C, w layout.Widget) D {
layout.Expanded(func(gtx C) D {
surface := clip.UniformRRect(image.Rectangle{Max: gtx.Constraints.Min}, gtx.Dp(c.ShadowStyle.CornerRadius))
paint.FillShape(gtx.Ops, c.Theme.Bg, surface.Op(gtx.Ops))
var fill color.NRGBA
if empty := (color.NRGBA{}); c.Fill == empty {
fill = c.Theme.Bg
} else {
fill = c.Fill
paint.FillShape(gtx.Ops, fill, surface.Op(gtx.Ops))
return D{Size: gtx.Constraints.Min}