@@ 113,7 113,90 @@ impl RussetEntryPersistenceLayer for SqlDatabase {
user_id: &UserId,
pagination: &Pagination,
) -> Vec<Result<(Entry, Option<UserEntry>)>> {
+ self.get_userentries(user_id, None, None, pagination).await
+ }
+ #[tracing::instrument]
+ async fn get_entries_for_user_feed(
+ &self,
+ user_id: &UserId,
+ feed_id: &FeedId,
+ pagination: &Pagination,
+ ) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<(Entry, Option<UserEntry>)>> {
+ self.get_userentries(user_id, Some(feed_id), None, pagination).await
+ }
+ #[tracing::instrument]
+ async fn get_entry_and_set_userentry(
+ &self,
+ entry_id: &EntryId,
+ user_id: &UserId,
+ user_entry: &UserEntry
+ ) -> Result<Entry> {
+ let entry_id = entry_id.to_string();
+ let user_id = user_id.to_string();
+ let read: Option<i64> = user_entry.read
+ .clone()
+ .and_then(|timestamp| timestamp.try_into().ok());
+ let tombstone: Option<i64> = user_entry.tombstone
+ .clone()
+ .and_then(|timestamp| timestamp.try_into().ok());
+ let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?;
+ // Query the entry first to make sure it actually exists
+ let row = sqlx::query!("
+ id, feed_id, internal_id, fetch_index, article_date, title, url
+ FROM entries
+ WHERE id = ?;",
+ entry_id,
+ )
+ .fetch_one(&mut *tx)
+ .await?;
+ sqlx::query!("
+ INSERT INTO user_entry_settings (
+ user_id, entry_id, read, tombstone
+ ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)
+ ON CONFLICT (user_id, entry_id)
+ read = excluded.read,
+ tombstone = excluded.tombstone;",
+ user_id,
+ entry_id,
+ read,
+ tombstone,
+ )
+ .execute(&mut *tx)
+ .await?;
+ tx.commit().await?;
+ let id = EntryId(Ulid::from_string(&row.id)?);
+ let feed_id = FeedId(Ulid::from_string(&row.feed_id)?);
+ let url = row.url.map(|url| Url::parse(&url)).transpose()?;
+ Ok(Entry {
+ id,
+ feed_id,
+ internal_id: row.internal_id,
+ fetch_index: row.fetch_index as u32,
+ article_date: row.article_date.into(),
+ title: row.title,
+ url,
+ } )
+ }
+impl SqlDatabase {
+ /// Helper for entry/user_entry fetching.
+ async fn get_userentries(
+ &self,
+ user_id: &UserId,
+ feed_id: Option<&FeedId>,
+ entry_id: Option<&EntryId>,
+ pagination: &Pagination,
+ ) -> Vec<Result<(Entry, Option<UserEntry>)>> {
let user_id_str = user_id.to_string();
+ let no_feed = feed_id.is_none();
+ let feed_id_str = feed_id.map(|id| id.to_string());
+ let no_entry = entry_id.is_none();
+ let entry_id_str = entry_id.map(|id| id.to_string());
let page_size: i64 = match pagination.page_size.try_into() {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(e) => return vec![Err(e.into())]
@@ 123,6 206,11 @@ impl RussetEntryPersistenceLayer for SqlDatabase {
Err(e) => return vec![Err(e.into())]
// TODO: Maybe do paging later. Or figure out how to stream from sqlx.
+ // This query is this way because in order to pass it to query!, it must
+ // be a &'static str, which means no dynamically-added query clauses.
+ // The (? OR id = ?) clauses allow us to skip these checks if we weren't
+ // provied an ID to check against.
let rows = sqlx::query!(r#"
e.id AS "id!",
@@ 141,10 229,16 @@ impl RussetEntryPersistenceLayer for SqlDatabase {
LEFT OUTER JOIN user_entry_settings AS u
ON s.user_id = u.user_id AND e.id = u.entry_id
WHERE s.user_id = ?
+ AND (? OR s.feed_id = ?)
+ AND (? OR e.id = ?)
ORDER BY fetch_index DESC, article_date DESC
OFFSET ?;"#,
+ no_feed,
+ feed_id_str,
+ no_entry,
+ entry_id_str,
@@ 184,71 278,4 @@ impl RussetEntryPersistenceLayer for SqlDatabase {
- #[tracing::instrument]
- async fn get_entries_for_user_feed(
- &self,
- user_id: &UserId,
- feed_id: &FeedId,
- pagination: &Pagination,
- ) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<(Entry, Option<UserEntry>)>> {
- todo!();
- vec![]
- }
- #[tracing::instrument]
- async fn get_entry_and_set_userentry(
- &self,
- entry_id: &EntryId,
- user_id: &UserId,
- user_entry: &UserEntry
- ) -> Result<Entry> {
- let entry_id = entry_id.to_string();
- let user_id = user_id.to_string();
- let read: Option<i64> = user_entry.read
- .clone()
- .and_then(|timestamp| timestamp.try_into().ok());
- let tombstone: Option<i64> = user_entry.tombstone
- .clone()
- .and_then(|timestamp| timestamp.try_into().ok());
- let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?;
- // Query the entry first to make sure it actually exists
- let row = sqlx::query!("
- id, feed_id, internal_id, fetch_index, article_date, title, url
- FROM entries
- WHERE id = ?;",
- entry_id,
- )
- .fetch_one(&mut *tx)
- .await?;
- sqlx::query!("
- INSERT INTO user_entry_settings (
- user_id, entry_id, read, tombstone
- ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)
- ON CONFLICT (user_id, entry_id)
- read = excluded.read,
- tombstone = excluded.tombstone;",
- user_id,
- entry_id,
- read,
- tombstone,
- )
- .execute(&mut *tx)
- .await?;
- tx.commit().await?;
- let id = EntryId(Ulid::from_string(&row.id)?);
- let feed_id = FeedId(Ulid::from_string(&row.feed_id)?);
- let url = row.url.map(|url| Url::parse(&url)).transpose()?;
- Ok(Entry {
- id,
- feed_id,
- internal_id: row.internal_id,
- fetch_index: row.fetch_index as u32,
- article_date: row.article_date.into(),
- title: row.title,
- url,
- } )
- }