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+% Created 2022-05-31 Вт 22:21
+% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
+\usepackage[russian, english]{babel}
+\setlength{\parindent}{0} % Default is 15pt.
+\author{Mikhail Kirillov}
+\title{Fullstack Developer}
+ pdfauthor={Mikhail Kirillov},
+ pdftitle={Fullstack Developer},
+ pdfkeywords={},
+ pdfsubject={},
+ pdfcreator={Emacs 28.1 (Org mode 9.5.3)},
+ pdflang={English}}
+\section*{Basic information}
+Name & Kirillov Mikhail\\
+Date of birth & 15.08.1996\\
+Location & Russia, Moscow\\
+Marital status & Single\\
+Email & \href{mailto:w96k.ru@gmail.com}{w96k.ru@gmail.com}\\
+Code & \href{https://git.sr.ht/\~w96k/}{https://git.sr.ht/\textasciitilde{}w96k/}\\
+Blog & \url{https://w96k.dev}\\
+Type of work & Remote (desired), Hybrid, Office\\
+Desired salary & €3000-3500 remote or €4000-5000 relocation\\
+Company's field & - No gambling\\
+ & - No cryptocurrencies\\
+ & - No spying on users\\
+ & \\
+ & Company's field should be ethical\\
+Workload & Full-time (40 hours per week)\\
+ & Part-time (20-30 hours per week)\\
+Name & Moscow \emph{Polytechnic colleage № 8}\\
+Period & \textbf{Sep. 2012 - July 2016}\\
+Specialty & Organization and technology of information security\\
+Code & 10.02.01\\
+\section*{Work experience}
+\subsection*{OOO «Reforma»}
+Period & June 2021 - Today\\
+Position & Fullstack-Developer\\
+Web-Site & \url{https://profile24.ru}\\
+\texttt{Fullstack} \texttt{PHP} \texttt{Symfony} \texttt{Sonata Admin} \texttt{MySQL} \texttt{RabbitMQ} \texttt{Jquery} \texttt{Bootstrap}
+Mainting and creating new features of marketplace website. It is written
+in PHP using Symfony Framework, Sonata admin, MySQL and
+RabbitMQ. Frontend part is Jquery and different javascript plugins like
+select2. I do both backend and frontend parts.
+\subsection*{OOO «Optifarma»}
+Period & November 2017 - March 2020\\
+Position & Fullstack-Developer\\
+Web-Site & \url{https://medkompas.ru}\\
+\texttt{Fullstack} \texttt{PHP} \texttt{Symfony} \texttt{MySQL} \texttt{RabbitMQ} \texttt{Jquery} \texttt{Bootstrap}
+Symfony website that have doctor's database and allow user to find
+specific doctors by different criterias like your location or your
+concrete problem.
+\subsection*{Indacoin ltd}
+Period & June 2017 - Sep. 2017\\
+Position & \emph{Front-End Developer}\\
+Web-site & \url{https://indacoin.com}\\
+\texttt{Frontend} \texttt{Ember.js} \texttt{Javascript} \texttt{Semantic UI}
+Creating SPA application as landing site for cryptocurrency platform. I
+was working with Ember.js and Semantic UI.
+\subsection*{Short term jobs and projects}
+\item I was working on frontend of epoll system written in Vue.js. Backend
+was in Java. Project status is unknown.
+\item I did several FreeCodeCamp projects available here:
+\item Semantic UI theme for a blog based on Hugo:
+\texttt{Sonata Admin}
+\item Developing backends using Symfony (PHP) and Django/Flask (Python)
+\item Experience of using programming languages profesionally: PHP, Python,
+\item Single Page Application development based on react.js / vue.js /
+\item Experience of using PostgreSQL/MySQL and knowledge of SQL
+\item Experience of using CSS frameworks: Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Mini.css
+\item Software Testing (unit testing, selenium)
+\item Experience of using Docker
+\item Experience of using continious integrations systems: Gitlab CI,
+\item Experience of using GNU/Linux and BSD distributions: Debian, Guix,
+Slackware, OpenBSD
+\item Experience of using version control systems: Git, Mercurial
+\section*{Programming interests}
+\item Visiting or watching recordings of IT conferences
+\item Functional Programming and languages based on lambda calculus (LISP,
+Scheme, SML/Ocaml, Haskell, Idris)
+\item "Low-level" programming in C(++), Oberon and Common Lisp
+\item Programming Language Theory. I also like to discover ancient technology with interesting ideas
+\item Interest in self-modifying (or image-based) languages like Lisp,
+Smalltalk, Self and Oberon
+\item GNU Software and GNU+Linux distributions
+\item Emacs text editor, org-mode and latex
+\item Writing posts on w96k.dev and my mastodon
+\item Moderating programming groups in Telegram (Emacs, GNU Guix, Lisp
+\item Free (Libre) Software
+Russian & Native\\
+English & - Reading documentation and books\\
+ & - Writing posts\\
+ & - Casual conversations\\
+\item Playing piano and composing music
+\item Bicycle and tourism on bicycle
+\item Swimming
+\item Math
+\item Philosophy