@@ 54,17 54,20 @@
- [[https://www.metasploit.com/][metasploit]] ::
- Ida Pro :: A cross-platform sotfware which can be used almost all files.
-*** Linux Binary
- :ID: b8978ffa-6cfb-4547-af51-71dee65def7a
- :END:
- - [[https://binary.ninja/][binary ninja]] :: A New Type of Reversing Platform
- - radare2 :: cli
- - r2dec :: decompiler plugins written in js
- - RetDec : decompiler plugins
- - r2ghidra :: decompiler depended on ghidra
- - ghidra :: gui, but having problem with no DE linux.
- - [[https://github.com/google/binnavi][binnavi]] ::
+*** Binary
+ - imHex :: A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who
+ value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
+**** Linux Binary
+ :ID: b8978ffa-6cfb-4547-af51-71dee65def7a
+ :END:
+ - [[https://binary.ninja/][binary ninja]] :: A New Type of Reversing Platform
+ - radare2 :: cli
+ - r2dec :: decompiler plugins written in js
+ - RetDec : decompiler plugins
+ - r2ghidra :: decompiler depended on ghidra
+ - ghidra :: gui, but having problem with no DE linux.
+ - [[https://github.com/google/binnavi][binnavi]] ::
*** Password