M lua/complementree/defaults.lua => lua/complementree/defaults.lua +4 -0
@@ 21,6 21,10 @@ if sources.luasnip_matches then
Defaults.luasnip = comb.pipeline(sources.luasnip_matches({}), filters.prefix, comp.alphabetic)
+if sources.snippy_matches then
+ Defaults.snippy = comb.pipeline(sources.snippy_matches({}), filters.prefix, comp.alphabetic)
Defaults.lsp = comb.pipeline(sources.lsp_matches({}), filters.prefix, comp.alphabetic)
Defaults.ctags = comb.pipeline(sources.ctags_matches({}), filters.prefix, comp.alphabetic)
M lua/complementree/init.lua => lua/complementree/init.lua +2 -0
@@ 17,6 17,8 @@ local M = {}
---@field empty boolean Add even if it is an empty string
---@field user_data any? Custom data
+---@alias complementree.Source fun(line_to_cursor: string, lnum: integer): CompleteItem[], string
local user_config = {
default = defaults.dummy,
vim = defaults.ins_completion('C-V'),
M lua/complementree/sources.lua => lua/complementree/sources.lua +39 -1
@@ 41,6 41,11 @@ end
local apply_snippet = function(...)
+---@class LSPMatchesOpts
+---Gets the source corresponding to the LSPs in the current buffer
+---@param opts LSPMatchesOpts Options for the source
+---@return complementree.Source source The LSP source
function Sources.lsp_matches(opts)
opts = options.get({}, opts)
return cached('lsp', function(line_to_cursor, lnum)
@@ 189,13 194,20 @@ local lsnip_present, luasnip = pcall(require, "luasnip")
local snippy_present, snippy = pcall(require, "snippy")
if lsnip_present then
+ ---@class LuasnipMatchesOpts
+ ---@field exclude_defaults boolean Exclude snippets in `default` key
+ ---@field filetype string Only get snippet from this filetype
+ --- Gets the matches from LuaSnip
+ ---@param opts LuasnipMatchesOpts Options to configure the matches
+ ---@return complementree.Source source The LuaSnip source
function Sources.luasnip_matches(opts)
opts = options.get(opts, {
exclude_defaults = false,
filetype = nil,
local function add_snippet(items, s)
table.insert(items, {
word = s.trigger,
@@ 250,6 262,32 @@ if lsnip_present then
elseif snippy_present then
+ ---@class SnippyMatchesOpts
+ --- Source for the snippy matches
+ ---@param opts SnippyMatchesOpts
+ ---@return complementree.Source source The snippy source
+ function Sources.snippy_matches(opts)
+ return cached('snippy', function(line_to_cursor, _)
+ local prefix = utils.prefix.lua_regex('%w*$', line_to_cursor)
+ ---@type CompleteItem[]
+ local items = snippy.get_completion_items()
+ for _, item in pairs(items) do
+ item.user_data.source = 'snippy'
+ end
+ return items, prefix
+ end)
+ end
+ -- These two complete_done handlers are stolen from snippy's code
+ Sources.complete_done_cbs.snippy = function(completed_item)
+ snippy.expand_snippet(completed_item.user_data.snippy.snippet, completed_item.word)
+ end
Sources.complete_done_cbs.lsp = function(completed_item)
local lsp_item = completed_item.user_data.extra.item
local snippet
M lua/complementree/utils.lua => lua/complementree/utils.lua +4 -0
@@ 2,6 2,10 @@ local api = vim.api
local Prefix = {}
+---Get the prefix corresponding to a lua regex
+---@param regex string The regex used to extract the prefix
+---@param line string Line to match
+---@return string prefix The matching prefix
function Prefix.lua_regex(regex, line)
local pref_start = line:find(regex)
local prefix = line:sub(pref_start)