
d798482e08ddc168dbe3562980dbf2aa756622b3 — Virgil Dupras 1 year, 5 months ago 8002aa6
M .gitignore => .gitignore +2 -1
@@ 1,3 1,4 @@

M 01-duskcc/01-buckleup.md => 01-duskcc/01-buckleup.md +7 -7
@@ 50,7 50,7 @@ an amd64 machine:

    $ objdump -d buckleup
    0000000000001129 <foo>:
    0000000000001129 <foo>:
        1129:       55                      push   %rbp
        112a:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
        112d:       89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%rbp)

@@ 60,12 60,12 @@ an amd64 machine:
        1139:       01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax
        113b:       5d                      pop    %rbp
        113c:       c3                      ret
    000000000000113d &lt;main&gt;:
    000000000000113d <main>:
        113d:       55                      push   %rbp
        113e:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
        1141:       be 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%esi
        1146:       bf 2a 00 00 00          mov    $0x2a,%edi
        114b:       e8 d9 ff ff ff          call   1129 &lt;foo&gt;
        114b:       e8 d9 ff ff ff          call   1129 <foo>
        1150:       5d                      pop    %rbp
        1151:       c3                      ret

@@ 159,13 159,13 @@ With everything cleared up, let's look at our new ELF dump:

    buckleup:     file format elf64-x86-64
    Disassembly of section .text:
    0000000000401000 &lt;foo&gt;:
    0000000000401000 <foo>:
      401000:       01 c3                   add    %eax,%ebx
      401002:       c3                      ret
    0000000000401003 &lt;_start&gt;:
    0000000000401003 <_start>:
      401003:       b8 2a 00 00 00          mov    $0x2a,%eax
      401008:       bb 0c 00 00 00          mov    $0xc,%ebx
      40100d:       e8 ee ff ff ff          call   401000 &lt;foo&gt;
      40100d:       e8 ee ff ff ff          call   401000 <foo>
      401012:       b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
      401017:       cd 80                   int    $0x80

@@ 212,7 212,7 @@ we'll talk later.

[collapseos]: http://collapseos.org
[duskos]: http://duskos.org
[srctgz]: 01-buckleup.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/01-buckleup.tar.gz
[elf]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format
[ccall]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#System_V_AMD64_ABI
[nasm]: https://www.nasm.us/

M 01-duskcc/02-baremetal.md => 01-duskcc/02-baremetal.md +1 -1
@@ 241,7 241,7 @@ world of Forth, which OSdev doesn’t cover.

[^16]: Although I’d be happy if it did!

[srctgz]: 02-baremetal.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/02-baremetal.tar.gz
[prev]: 01-buckleup.html
[nextup]: 03-onesector.html
[qemu]: https://www.qemu.org/

M 01-duskcc/03-onesector.md => 01-duskcc/03-onesector.md +2 -2
@@ 63,7 63,7 @@ with this article is available in [a tarball][srctgz] which you should use in
order to follow along.*

We have a source? We have a destination? Then we know what to do, let’s write
it. Oh wait, [wrote it for you already][srctgz]. If you run this (with `make
it. Oh wait, [I wrote it for you already][srctgz]. If you run this (with `make
run`), you’ll have a result similar to the previous “Hello World!”, but this
time, the code that’s executed comes from the second sector of the disk.

@@ 147,7 147,7 @@ number would need to be 0xaa55 to have the intended effect.
[^6]: You think that’s complicated? Just wait until you try to get in protected

[srctgz]: 03-onesector.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/03-onesector.tar.gz
[prev]: 02-baremetal.html
[nextup]: 04-wordsshell.html
[sectorforth]: https://github.com/cesarblum/sectorforth

M 01-duskcc/04-wordsshell.md => 01-duskcc/04-wordsshell.md +1 -1
@@ 161,7 161,7 @@ prefer that order. More on this later.
[^6]: With the contents having been loaded from the bootloader.
[^7]: "jb” means “jump if dest operand is below source operand”.

[srctgz]: 04-wordsshell.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/04-wordsshell.tar.gz
[prev]: 03-onesector.html
[nextup]: 05-dolookup.html
[basic]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC_interpreter

M 01-duskcc/05-dolookup.md => 01-duskcc/05-dolookup.md +5 -5
@@ 46,10 46,10 @@ so you might as well get used to it.
## Writing a dictionary

All Forths start with a system dictionary which is often assembled in their
predefined structure directly in the code. If you look at the [I’ve written for
you][srctgz], you’ll see that this is what I’ve done too, starting at the `“;
Dictionary”` comment. Let’s look at the first entry (`hellomsg` isn’t part of
the dictionary entry):
predefined structure directly in the code. If you look at the [implementation
I’ve written for you][srctgz], you’ll see that this is what I’ve done too,
starting at the `“; Dictionary”` comment. Let’s look at the first entry
(`hellomsg` isn’t part of the dictionary entry):

    db 'hello'
    hello: dw 0

@@ 190,7 190,7 @@ centered around colors!
word “user” really doesn’t convey how intensely the creativity of the person at
the keyboard is being solicited. You’re like Tank in the Matrix!

[srctgz]: 05-dolookup.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/05-dolookup.tar.gz
[prev]: 04-wordsshell.html
[nextup]: 06-taletwostacks.html
[ll]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list

M 01-duskcc/06-taletwostacks.md => 01-duskcc/06-taletwostacks.md +1 -1
@@ 280,7 280,7 @@ personal convention.
[^11]: In Forth speak, the “!” symbol means “store”.

[srctgz]: 06-taletwostacks.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/06-taletwostacks.tar.gz
[prev]: 05-dolookup.html
[nextup]: 07-babywalk.html
[ccall]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions

M 01-duskcc/07-babywalk.md => 01-duskcc/07-babywalk.md +1 -1
@@ 183,7 183,7 @@ unfinished, and thus broken. With no `ret` to stop the call chain, calling the
broken word will result in executing uninitialized memory, which means
“fireworks!”. Our baby Forth isn’t mistake-friendly!

[srctgz]: 07-babywalk.tar.gz
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/07-babywalk.tar.gz
[prev]: 06-taletwostacks.html
[nextup]: 08-immediate.html
[brad]: https://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/moving1.htm

M 01-duskcc/08-immediate.md => 01-duskcc/08-immediate.md +7 -3
@@ 209,6 209,10 @@ for your mercy, and let’s discover the brave new world of Dusk OS!

*[Next: Buy this story arc from the home page!](/)*

or, if you're reading this from the purchased bundle:

*[Next: From Dusk Till C][nextup]*

[^1]: Remember, you’re Tank! You ain’t some cog in the machine, machines bend
to your will!
[^2]: For example, the string literal.

@@ 221,9 225,9 @@ to your will!
[^9]: and I’f be very happy if you were! Let me know if you’re stuck at some

[srctgz]: 07-babywalk.tar.gz
[prev]: 06-taletwostacks.html
[nextup]: 08-immediate.html
[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/08-immediate.tar.gz
[prev]: 07-babywalk.html
[nextup]: 09-dusktillc.html
[starting]: https://www.forth.com/starting-forth/
[gforth]: https://gforth.org/
[jonesforth]: https://github.com/nornagon/jonesforth

A 01-duskcc/09-dusktillc.md => 01-duskcc/09-dusktillc.md +331 -0
@@ 0,0 1,331 @@
# [Tumble Forth](/): The Unbearable Immediateness of Compiling

We now know the [secret ingredients that make Forths alive][prev], but we won’t
go all the way to a full Forth because it would be much less interesting than
the first magical moments of life. Moreover, I already have one for you: [Dusk

Dusk OS is a 32-bit STC Forth that broadly follows Starting Forth’s
conventions, with a few caveats:

1. Lowercase words.
2. Filesystem-based rather than Block-based.
3. There is no `HEX/DEC` mode. Hexadecimal literals are prefixed with `$`, like
in `$1234abcd`. There is also support for character literals like `‘X’`.
Printing a literal in hexadecimal is done with the `.x` word.
4. No support for decimals.
5. `DO..LOOP` changes to `for2..next` because Dusk has [fancy support for
6. `VARIABLE` changes to `value` with what Dusk calls [“to” semantics][usage].
7. The [text editor][ged] is completely different.

You can of course read [Dusk’s documentation][duskdoc] which will tell you all
you need to know, but you don’t have to. Your knowledge from having read
Starting Forth will be enough, I’ll fill you in as needed.

## Dawn of a new world

With all this ruckus about building a Forth and then discovering a whole new
one, where were we again? Ah yes, we want to compile this:

    int foo(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    int main() {
        return foo(42, 12);

Compiling this, alright, but what to? Under UNIX, this compiled into an ELF
executable that would be called and yield the result through its program return
code. Under a Forth, we would rather want to compile this to a simple word.

The `main` function is a crutch that only UNIX needs. What we’d actually want
to do with our compiled word is this:

    42 12 foo . \ prints 54

This means we can ignore the `main` function. So, just like that, half our work
is done!

Of course, we could compile this with Dusk’s existing C compiler, but we
wouldn’t be learning much. The rest of this story arc will be devoted to write
the code necessary to minimally compile the `foo` function’s source code into
an executable word under i386 Dusk.

We will first build an assembler for the few instructions we need, then we’ll
build ourselves a C tokenizer, and finally write the code that parses these
incoming tokens and generate the corresponding i386 code through the

## Pitching your tent at Dusk

Let’s prepare our stuff.  First, make sure that you can run the i386 version of
Dusk. Running `make pcrun` should result in QEMU launching with a Dusk OS

For this story arc, we’ll make the filesystem root our workspace. We’ll write
our work in files at the root filesystem and then load them in Dusk. Let’s test
that this work by creating a file called `myasm.fs` in the `fs/` subfolder in
Dusk’s source code, with this content:

    ." Hello Dusk!\n"

Then, run `make pcrun`[^1] again and at prompt, type `”f<< myasm.fs”`. You get
the message? Good! We’re ready to build our barebone i386

## Assembler scope

As mentioned above, we’ll go for a
minimal solution for the presented problem, which means a minimal assembler. To
determine the scope of that assembler, let’s try to see what `foo` would look
like in NASM. You should already have an idea since it’s functionally
equivalent to the `+` word we’ve already implemented in our baby Forth, with
these differences:

1. We’re in 32-bit mode, so register names have a `E` (for “extended”) prefix.
2. All 16-bit references are upgraded to 32-bit. Whatever was 2 bytes in our
baby Forth is now 4 bytes.
3. Dusk’s register assigned to `PS` is `ESI` rather than `BP`.
4. Dusk keeps `PS` Top Of Stack element in the `EAX` register.

The last point needs a special mention. Brad Rodriguez, in the same excellent
[“Moving Forth”][brad] article I’ve already linked previously, speaks of the
subject in the section named “Top-Of-Stack in Register”. Dusk OS does this. Not
only for performance reasons, but also because of the [HAL][hal], which is a
vast subject we’ll not talk about now.

This peculiarity changes the logic for our word a lot. What

1. Pop `PS` in a register.
2. Add register to `PS` top.
3. Write result to `PS` top.
4. Return.


1. `PS` top is already in `EAX`.
2. Add `[ESI]` to `EAX.`
3. Shrink `ESI` stack by 4 (that is, add 4). Result in `EAX`, which is still
our `PS` top.
4. Return.

In NASM, this would look like:

    BITS 32
    add eax, [esi]
    add esi, 4

This would mean that to compile `foo`, our assembler would only need two
instructions, `add` and `ret`. Should be easy!

## i386 encoding

Alright, let’s get started.  First, we need a reference.  [“Intel 80386
Programmer’s Reference Manual”][i386ref] will do. It’s a big document, but I’ll
walk you to the important parts, so there’s no need to read it beyond the pages
I specifically mention, but you have to read those pages to follow this
article.  You might not understand the totality of what you read there, but
that’s fine, my goal is to explain these pages to you.

Should we begin with the easy instruction? Let’s encode `ret`! The reference
PDF has a Table of Contents with each instruction listed there. Through this
TOC, you’ll easily find `ret` at p. 378. We see on that page that there are
multiple forms of this instruction, but we will not bother with the fancy
versions and use only the regular one, the “near” version. The listing on that
page tells us that this particular instruction has a simple opcode, `C3`, with
no parameter. Too easy! We can thus add our first word in `myasm.fs`:

    : ret, $c3 c, ;

Why `”ret,”` instead of `”ret”`? To indicate that the effect of this word is to
“write” to “here”. It’s just better form, Forth wise.

That assembler can now create its first word:

    f<< myasm.fs
    code nothing ret,

You can now call `nothing` and see that it does nothing. To be sure, you could
try inspecting your stacks before and after with the `.S` utility word.

Starting Forth doesn’t talk about `code`, but it’s a frequent word in Forths
that support assemblers. `“code xxx”` is the equivalent to `“: xxx”` except
that it doesn’t go in compilation mode. This means that words we call
afterwards are interpreted. The result of the snippet above is thus to create
an empty `“nothing”` dictionary entry, followed by `C3`. You can verify this
with `“‘ nothing dump”`.

## i386 modr/m

So, that’s if for `ret`.  Does this mean that half the job is done? Obi-Wan
would answer “yes, from a certain *point of view*”. But you know better than to
take the words of ghosts at face value right?

`add` is a much more complex instruction (p. 261) and we need to cover two of
its forms:

1. “direct register + indirect register”, that is, reference the 4 bytes
(`dword` in x86-speak) where `ESI` points to and combine it to register `EAX.`
2. “direct register + immediate”, that is, reference the 4 bytes constant
encoded in the instruction itself and combine it to register `ESI`.

How should we encode them? When you look at the i386 reference, it’s hard to
understand what you read and find the encoding you’re supposed to use. You
easily see the “EAX, imm32” form, which should fit one of the forms if it
targeted the right register, but the rest of the forms are gibberish. You can
guess that “r32” means a reference to a 32-bit register, but what’s “r/m32”?
How do we handle indirect references? The answer is that these addressing forms
are encoded in x86’s famous “modr/m” encoding (p. 241).

As we’ve already seen before, the x86 family has a wide range of addressing
modes for its instructions. Those addressing modes are encoded in a second byte
following the main instruction opcode. Except for the “shortcut forms” of some
instructions (such at the “EAX, imm32” one we see for `add`), most instruction
forms involving a register or a memory location will have the modr/m byte.
There’s at most one per instruction, and it has this bit

1. `b7:6` mod
2. `b5:3` reg
3. `b2:0` r/m (register or memory)

The naming is confusing, but to Intel’s defense, I don’t see what other names
I’d use.  Those fields are too flexible for a more specific naming scheme.

The `mod` field selects one of the 4 general addressing modes[^2] documented at
p. 244:

* `00 [reg]`
* `01 [reg + 8b offset]`
* `02 [reg + 32b offset]`
* `03 reg`

In other words, whenever the modr/m byte fits the `C0` mask, it means that both
operands are “direct”, otherwise, one of the operands is “indirect”.

The next two fields select the operands for the instructions using register IDs
also documented in p. 244[^3]. The `reg` field is generally used for the
"direct register" operand and is not affected by `mod`. In the `“add eax,
[esi]”` instance, this field would contain a reference to `EAX`, thus 0. This
field is **not** always the destination. For example, in `“add [esi], eax”`,
the `reg` field would **also** contain `EAX`. It’s the instruction opcode that
determines operands order (`01` vs `03`)[^4][^5].

The last field, `r/m`, is the ID of the register that will be affected by
`mod`. For example, under a mod `00`, we would set `r/m` to `ESI` (6) to
express `[ESI]`.

With this knowledge, we can encode `“add eax, [esi]”` in our head. First, we
need to select the right `add` form, which is the “r32, r/m32” one. This means
a `03` instruction opcode. Then, we need a modr/m byte with `mod=00 reg=EAX
r/m=ESI`, which means `06`. This gives us a final encoded instruction: `03 06`.
Is this what NASM gives us? Great, we agree!

## Assembler API

First of all, let’s have useful constants:

    0 const eax
    1 const ecx
    2 const edx
    3 const ebx
    4 const esp
    5 const ebp
    6 const esi
    7 const edi

We’ll use these constants as arguments to our API. Now, the tricky part is to
elegantly express the “use `EAX` as a direct destination and use `ESI` as an
indirect source`”` command to the `add` instruction. Dusk’s i386 assembler has
such an API, but the scope of this subject is too wide for this story arc.
We’ll defer this to another story arc and go with a brutally simple, albeit
ugly, API: specifying the form in the word name.

For example, for the form we need, we will add a word named `“addr[], ( dst src
-- )”` which means “write the `add` instruction in its “r32, r/m32” form with
`mod=00 dst=r32 and src=r/m32`”. With what we already know of i386 encoding,
the implementation of this word is trivial:

    : addr[], ( dst src -- ) $03 c, swap 3 lshift or c, ;

This allows us to create a new word:

    code foo eax esi addr[], ret,
    42 12 foo . \ prints 54

So, that’s it? Success? From a certain point of view, yes, but this word has a
problem: it leaks an element to `PS`. Instead of the signature `“a b -- n”`
that we want, it has the signature `“a b -- a n”`. To drop the `a`, we need to
“nip” it from the stack with `“add esi, 4”`.

The instruction form that allows this is the “r/m32, imm32”[^6] form. This one
also has a modr/m byte, but also a 32-bit immediate that will follow it. The
modr/m byte in this case is special: it only has one operand. In these cases,
only the `mod` and `r/m` fields are used, `reg` stays empty. **However**, to
pack as many instructions as possible in as few bytes as possible, i386
encoding scheme use these 3 precious bits to expand the tight 8-bit base opcode
space. Therefore, for the “r/m32, imm32” form, `add` shares the `81` opcode
with other instructions such as `sub, adc, `etc. So, you can’t put *anything*
in the `reg` field, you have to put what Intel tells you to put. In the
documentation, it’s the number after the slash. In our case `/0`.

Wrapping all this up, this allows us to add our new word:

    : addri, ( reg imm -- ) $81 c, swap $c0 or c, , ;

You guessed what the `”$c0 or”` was for? To select `mod=03`! With this new
word, we can complete our `foo` word:

    code foo
      eax esi addr[],
      esi 4 addri,
    42 12 foo . \ prints 54

You can now see, with `.S`, that we don’t leak to `PS` anymore! This completes
our extremely minimal i386 assembler. We’ll be able to use it in our C
compiler, when comes the time of generating the code.

*The source code for our toy assembler can be [downloaded here][srctgz]*

## Up next

In the next article, we’ll set aside our shiny new assembler for a while as we
tackle the first part of a C compiler by building a tokenizer.

[^1]: PC build takes a little while. This is because I insist on using Dusk’s
tools to build the destination FAT12 filesystem rather than POSIX ones, and
those tools have to run through Dusk’s POSIX VM which is pretty slow. Every
time you make a change to the code, this build process will have to repeat.
Sorry about that, there isn’t much to do about it. Dusk is designed to work
from within itself (which means not rebuilding it all the time), but I don’t
want to force you to learn to use Dusk’s text editor, which is a bit rough
around the edges. You can speed up the build process a little bit by deleting
the “fs/doc” directory from your source tree.
[^2]: I ignore special cases for simplicity reasons and because we won’t use
them in this story arc.
[^3]: EAX=0 ECX=1, etc.
[^4]: It’s also this opcode that determines that the operation is a 32-bit one.
If we wanted to do the same operation with the same operands in 8-bit, we’d
change the opcode to `00` or `02`. What about 16-bit? It’s complicated and out
of scope of this article.
[^5]: It’s a bit confusing, but one realization about i386 will help you grok
the logic. In i386, it’s impossible to have an instruction with two “mod”
operands. For example, `“add [esi], [eax]”` is impossible. Therefore, one of
the operands is always “direct”. `reg` is the one.
[^6]: Let’s ignore the imm8 optimization for now.

[srctgz]: https://tumbleforth.hardcoded.net/01-duskcc/09-dusktillc.tar.gz
[prev]: 08-immediate.html
[dusk]: http://duskos.org/
[iter]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/iter.txt
[usage]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/usage.txt
[ged]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/text/ged.txt
[duskdoc]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/index.txt
[hal]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/hal.txt
[brad]: https://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/moving1.htm
[i386ref]: https://css.csail.mit.edu/6.858/2014/readings/i386.pdf

A 01-duskcc/main.css => 01-duskcc/main.css +20 -0
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M Makefile => Makefile +15 -15
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M index.html => index.html +14 -0
@@ 57,6 57,20 @@ before you receive the bundle.</p>
My <a href="01-duskcc/01-buckleup.html">“pilot” story arc</a> is on the subject of Dusk OS’ C compiler.

<p>Table of Contents</p>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/01-buckleup.html">Buckle up, Dorothy</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/02-baremetal.html">Liberation through bare metal</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/03-onesector.html">One sector to rule them all</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/04-wordsshell.html">Words in the shell</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/05-dolookup.html">Do Look Up</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/06-taletwostacks.html">A tale of two stacks</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/07-babywalk.html">Baby's first steps</a></li>
    <li><a href="01-duskcc/08-immediate.html">The Unbearable Immediateness of Compiling</a></li>
    <li>From Dusk Till C</li>
    <li>... to write ...</li>

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