rpi: ( hello, another comment! )
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) M fs/xcomp/rpiboot.fs
M fs/xcomp/rpiboot.fs => fs/xcomp/rpiboot.fs +2 -2
@@ 91,10 91,10 @@ code ?dup W=0>Z, 0 Z) branchC, dup, then exit, uartinit \ see the (wnf) if comment is mishandled \ hello, this is a comment! \ This type of comment won't work in UART because we don't get a LF, only a CR : exit exit, ; immediate : exit popret, exit, ; immediate : ( begin word dup c@ 1 = if 1+ c@ ')' = if exit then else drop then again ; immediate \ TODO: this comment type doesn't work, debug ( hello, another comment! ) prompt interactive!