M fs/doc/tips.txt => fs/doc/tips.txt +11 -0
@@ 8,3 8,14 @@ and "key" are there) of your init, you can create a fork of it to allow you to
boot to the old init if needed. Example:
key 'z' = [if] f<< /init2.fs \s [then]
+## next
+If you want to save yourself some painful debugging sessions, don't ever call a
+struct field "next" or, if you do, make sure that this struct doesn't ever
+define words in its namespace, otherwise it overrides core's "next" and all hell
+breaks loose, sometimes (that's the worst), in subtle ways!
+This can happen when describing a structure that is a linked list. Name this
+field anything but "next", you probably won't use it anyways as iterating over a
+LL is clearer with "llnext" anyways.
M fs/text/ed.fs => fs/text/ed.fs +12 -7
@@ 6,9 6,15 @@
: nspcs ( n -- ) ?dup if >r begin SPC stdout next then ;
struct[ Line
- sfield next
+ sfield _next
sfield cnt
sfield ptr
+ : :itern ( n line -- iter-n line )
+ over not if exit then over >r \ V1=asked-n
+ swap >r begin ( line )
+ dup llnext ?dup if nip else r> r> -^ swap exit then next ( line )
+ r> swap ;
extends IO struct[ Edbuf
@@ 27,10 33,10 @@ extends IO struct[ Edbuf
: _cbounds ( self -- ) dup cpos over sel Line cnt min swap to cpos ;
: _sel! ( line self -- ) tuck to sel _cbounds ;
: :godown ( n self -- )
- over if swap >r dup sel begin ( self line )
- dup llnext if llnext over 1 swap to+ lpos else leave then next
- else nip dup lines then ( self line )
- swap _sel! ;
+ over not if 2drop exit then ( n self )
+ swap >r dup sel begin ( self line )
+ dup llnext if llnext over 1 swap to+ lpos else leave then next
+ ( self line ) swap _sel! ;
: _eol? ( self -- f ) dup cpos swap sel Line cnt = ;
: _eof? ( self -- f ) dup sel llnext not swap _eol? and ;
@@ 65,8 71,7 @@ extends IO struct[ Edbuf
: :empty ( self -- )
dup buf Arena :reset
- 0 over to cpos
- dup _newline swap 2dup to lines to sel ;
+ dup _newline over to lines _sel$$ ;
: :new ( -- edbuf )
Arena :new here ( arena edbuf )
M fs/text/ged.fs => fs/text/ged.fs +15 -6
@@ 9,11 9,20 @@ require /sys/grid.fs
dup if swap Line ptr over grid :write else nip then ( n )
grid COLS -^ ?dup if nspcs then grid :spitoff ;
-: _spitpage ( -- )
- grid LINES 1- >r 0 edbuf sel begin ( lineno line )
- dup if over grid COLS * over _spitline else over grid :clrline then
- dup if llnext then swap 1+ swap next 2drop
- edbuf cpos grid :pos! ;
+: _spitpage ( fromline -- )
+ grid LINES 1- >r 0 swap begin ( lineno line )
+ dup if over grid COLS * over _spitline else over grid :clrline then
+ dup if llnext then swap 1+ swap next 2drop ;
+0 value _top
+: _top! ( lineno -- )
+ dup to _top edbuf lines Line :itern nip _spitpage ;
+: _zoom ( -- )
+ _top edbuf lpos tuck > if _top! else ( lpos )
+ grid LINES 1- - max0 _top over <= if _top! else drop then then ;
+: _refresh ( -- )
+ _zoom edbuf lpos _top - grid COLS * edbuf cpos + grid :pos! ;
S" qhjklHL[]" const KEYS
KEYS c@ wordtbl handlers
@@ 28,5 37,5 @@ KEYS c@ wordtbl handlers
:w pagesz edbuf :godown ;
: ged begin
- _spitpage key KEYS c@+ [c]? ( idx )
+ _refresh key KEYS c@+ [c]? ( idx )
dup 0>= if handlers swap wexec else drop then again ;=
\ No newline at end of file