
05f02064e5e7c510a52df50503267e4d541c229c — Virgil Dupras 29 days ago 57238d0
comp/lisp: add comments
3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

M fs/comp/lisp/raw.fs
M fs/doc/comp/lisp.txt
M fs/tests/comp/lisp.fs
M fs/comp/lisp/raw.fs => fs/comp/lisp/raw.fs +2 -1
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
needs mem/cons comp/tok
unit comp/lisp/raw

: symchar? ( c -- f ) "()'\"" c@+ cidx dup if nip then ;
: symchar? ( c -- f ) "()'\"\\" c@+ cidx dup if nip then ;
: _?tok< ( -- tok-or-0 )
  newtok tonws< nip dup tokacc ( c )
  symchar? not if begin

@@ 22,6 22,7 @@ unit comp/lisp/raw
    else case
        ''' isChar? of raw< 0 cons "quote" swap cons endof
        '"' isChar? of ,str" n>tok endof
        '\' isChar? of [compile] \ raw< endof
      endcase then ;
: ?stype ( s -- ) ?dup if stype else ."(null)" then ;
: .raw

M fs/doc/comp/lisp.txt => fs/doc/comp/lisp.txt +31 -13
@@ 25,9 25,11 @@ regular Forth words, so this is just syntactic sugar for "42 2 3 + -".

## Tokenisation logic

Tokenization (see [comp/tok]) boundaries are: whitespace ( ) ' "
Tokenization (see [comp/tok]) boundaries are:

Therefore, "(foo'"bar)" tokenizes as: ( foo ' " bar )
  whitespace ( ) ' " \

For example, "(foo'bar)" tokenizes as: ( foo ' bar )

## Parsing logic

@@ 46,12 48,7 @@ Yields the cons:

  ("foo" ("bar" "42" "baz") ("left" "." "12345")

You'll notice that the "." is not handled at this level. You'll notice that
string literals are handled in a weird manner. That's because those strings in
the raw list are supposed to be either a literal or a symbol. If we keep "right"
as is, we effectively "de-literalize" it. Therefore, when a string literal is
encountered, it is first copied to permanent storage, then its pointer is
yielded as a numerical literal in string form.
You'll notice that the "." is not handled at this level.

Once we have that raw list, we "cook" it, which is where the magic happens.
The word "cook" generally expects cons that have the format

@@ 60,17 57,38 @@ pusging arguments to PS, then calling "executable". To figure out what
"executable" is, we look it up in the system dictionary and thus have the
address to call. And that's it. That's the process.

But there are exceptions that we call "parsers", for example "quote" and
"lambda". These words have a signature that is incompatible with the regular
resolving logic. For example, in "(defun foo ...)", if we let the default
resolver pick it up, we'll look for "foo" in the system dict and not find it,
which is normal because it's the name of the word we want to create!
## Parsers

There are exceptions to the regular parsing logic that we call "parsers", for
example "quote" and "lambda". These words have a signature that is incompatible
with the regular resolving logic. For example, in "(defun foo ...)", if we let
the default resolver pick it up, we'll look for "foo" in the system dict and not
find it, which is normal because it's the name of the word we want to create!

So when we encounter these parser words, we circumvent the regular resolving
mechanism and call the parser word while supplying it with the raw list
directly. We then expect that parser to yield a result that we can feed into our
cooking process.

## Comments

Comments use the "\" token and behaves like the system "\", that is, it drops
input stream until the end of the line. For example:

  raw< (foo
    \This is a comment

will yield ("foo" "bar").

## String literals

You'll notice that string literals are handled in a weird manner. That's because
those strings in the raw list are supposed to be either a literal or a symbol.
If we keep "right" as is, we effectively "de-literalize" it. Therefore, when a
string literal is encountered, it is first copied to permanent storage, then its
pointer is yielded as a numerical literal in string form.

## Compiling

"lambda" and "defun" cook their body in a particular manner: they compile the

M fs/tests/comp/lisp.fs => fs/tests/comp/lisp.fs +3 -1
@@ 12,7 12,9 @@ raw< '(foo)
  decons 0 #eq "foo" #s=
raw< (foo)
  decons 0 #eq "foo" #s=
raw< (foo (bar baz) qux)
raw< (foo
  \This is a comment
  (bar baz) qux)
  decons swap "foo" #s=
  decons swap dup iscons? #true
    decons swap "bar" #s=