
35bf2b4cd474147140717ef94d02573682abf68f — Elena ``of Valhalla'' Grandi 6 months ago 056404e
Update release procedure docs.
1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M docs/source/contrib/release_procedure.rst
M docs/source/contrib/release_procedure.rst => docs/source/contrib/release_procedure.rst +9 -9
@@ 7,15 7,7 @@

* Check that the changelog is up to date.

* Generate the distribution files::

     $ python3 -m build

* Upload ::

     $ twine upload -s dist/*

* Tag the uploaded version::
* Tag the version you are preparing::

     $ git tag -s v$VERSION
     $ git push

@@ 29,6 21,14 @@
     * of the relevant
     * changelog

* Generate the distribution files::

     $ python3 -m build

* Upload ::

     $ twine upload -s dist/*

* Send the release announce to::

     valhalla/lesana-announce@lists.sr.ht, ~valhalla/lesana-discuss@lists.sr.ht