
95bff131d968d28ae1fbf861bb799b9b19a3cd7b — Joseph Turner 1 year, 1 month ago 466beae
Improve demo 2
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M presentation.org
M presentation.org => presentation.org +4 -0
@@ 123,6 123,10 @@ load the latest transient.el ~master~ branch and the hyperdrive.el

** Misc features

- [ ] Scratch buffer
- [ ] Start gateway
- [ ] New drive
- [ ] Open hyperdrive sub menu, explain names
- [ ] ~.well-known~ credentials
- [ ] To sort by another column, use ~C-u s~
- [ ] Difference between ~view-file~ and ~find-file~