
70dccd5e06543baf2817ad5c393b311db1b2032d — Joseph Turner 1 year, 1 month ago af1debb
Check off shown features
1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M presentation.org
M presentation.org => presentation.org +10 -13
@@ 123,27 123,24 @@ load the latest transient.el ~master~ branch and the hyperdrive.el

** Misc features

- [ ] Scratch buffer
- [ ] Start gateway
- [ ] New drive
- [ ] Open hyperdrive sub menu, explain names
- [ ] ~.well-known~ credentials
- [ ] To sort by another column, use ~C-u s~
- [ ] Difference between ~view-file~ and ~find-file~
- [ ] Stream Prot's demo video
- [ ] In hyperdrive-menu and the menu bar, notice that the previous
- [X] Scratch buffer
- [X] Start gateway
- [X] New drive
- [X] Open hyperdrive sub menu, explain names
- [X] Stream Prot's demo video
- [X] In hyperdrive-menu and the menu bar, notice that the previous
  version says ? at first, but after loading the previous version,
  subsequent visits say the version number (explain unknown versions)
- [ ] Load "Unknown" history ranges
- [X] Load "Unknown" history ranges
- [ ] Load an HTML file, follow some links in EWW (show seamless
  navigation between pages served over ~http~ and ~hyper~)
- [ ] yank-media: copy an image to clipboard in an external program then
  run ~yank-media~ in the hyperdrive-dir buffer for a writable drive
  (maybe not worth showing off?)
- [ ] Describe hyperdrive buffer
- [ ] Bookmarks
- [ ] Show version number in buffer name
- [ ] hyperdrive-menu
- [X] Bookmarks
- [X] Show version number in buffer name
- [X] hyperdrive-menu
  - In the menu, ~C-u h~ prompts to select a hyperdrive
  - In the hyperdrive-menu-hyperdrive transient, ~C-u f~ prompts for a version
  - "?" gets help for a command; "?" again opens the manual