
b771cf29f443c3bfe470d5f4e2d6d238d202bb5f — Eris A 1 year, 18 days ago db3eef4
That was once again a few too many numbers in the margin
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M style.css
M style.css => style.css +1 -1
@@ 26,7 26,7 @@ table {	margin-top: 0em;
		border-collapse: collapse;
		margin-left: 0em;
	    margin-right: 2em; }
div { margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 2em; }
div { margin-left: 2em; margin-right: 2em; }
table.head, table.foot { width: 90%; }
td.head-rtitle, td.foot-os { text-align: right; }
td.head-vol { text-align: center; }