
🌺 aaron's dotfiles
tweak(neovim): don't set colorscheme
tweak(neovim): set notermguicolors
format(vim): break up long line


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#🌺 dotfiles

screenshot of rice

wm: dwm
launcher: dmenu
terminal: st
shell: yash
editor: vim
notifications: dunst

#✨ about ✨

my dotfiles for gentoo, managed using git and make. my intent is to keep my dotfiles as minimal as possible and to follow the suckless philsophy. i, like the suckless developers believe writing quality software is important and strive to set an example with my dotfiles.

#💿 install

git clone https://git.sr.ht/~unrealapex/dotfiles ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles

#🗒️ notes

this rice isn't intended for use by other people, but i don't mind if you do. for documentation's sake, this section of the readme has useful information below about my dotfiles.

my builds of dwm, st, dmenu, and slock are stored in separate git repositories. my makefile has a target to build them.


window decorations should be turned off for gui apps that have the option. this can be done in most apps by enabling the "use system titlebars" option.

skeleton files for programs that have secrets(git) are in secrets.

🌈 color palette

* {
  --bg-color: "darkgray";
  --fg-color: "white";
  --main-color: "maroon";
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