Updated readme to add badges
Fixed missing slashes on PDO constants, fixes #46
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:jbroadway/analog
A minimal PHP logging package based on the idea of using closures
for configurability and extensibility. It functions as a static class, but you can
completely control the writing of log messages through a closure function
(aka anonymous functions),
or use the Analog\Logger
wrapper that implements the
PSR-3 specification.
Install the latest version with:
$ composer require analog/analog
use Analog\Analog;
use Analog\Handler\FirePHP;
Analog::handler (FirePHP::init ());
Analog::log ('Take me to your browser');
use Analog\Logger;
use Analog\Handler\Variable;
$logger = new Logger;
$log = '';
$logger->handler (Variable::init ($log));
$logger->alert ('Things are really happening right now!');
var_dump ($log);
use Analog\Analog;
// Default logging to /tmp/analog.txt
Analog::log ('Log this error');
// Log to a MongoDB log collection
Analog::handler (function ($info) {
static $conn = null;
if (! $conn) {
$conn = new Mongo ('localhost:27017');
$conn->mydb->log->insert ($info);
// Log an alert
Analog::log ('The sky is falling!', Analog::ALERT);
// Log some debug info
Analog::log ('Debugging info', Analog::DEBUG);
Analog uses a simple autoloader internally, so if you don't have access to composer you can clone this repository and include it like this:
require 'analog/lib/Analog.php';
Analog::handler (Analog\Handler\Stderr::init ());
Analog::log ('Output to php://stderr');
For more examples, see the examples folder.
By default, this class will write to a file named sys_get_temp_dir() . '/analog.txt'
using the format "machine - date - level - message\n"
, making it usable with no
customization necessary.
Analog also comes with dozens of pre-written handlers in the Analog/Handlers folder, with examples for each in the examples folder. These include:
So while it's a micro class, it's highly extensible and very capable out of the box too.
I wrote this because I wanted something very small and simple like KLogger, and preferably not torn out of a wider framework if possible. After searching, I wasn't happy with the single-purpose libraries I found. With KLogger for example, I didn't want an object instance but rather a static class, and I wanted more flexibility in the back-end.
I also found some that had the flexibility also had more complexity, for example Monolog is dozens of source files (not incl. tests). With closures, this seemed to be a good balance of small without sacrificing flexibility.
What about Analog, the logfile analyzer? Well, since it hasn't been updated since 2004, I think it's safe to call a single-file PHP logging class the same thing without it being considered stepping on toes :)