M _config.yml => _config.yml +3 -1
@@ 23,9 23,11 @@ redcarpet:
output: true
+ guides:
+ output: true
output: true
- guides:
+ quotes:
output: true
# page defaults
A _quotes/2017-01-01-1.txt => _quotes/2017-01-01-1.txt +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
+<tejr> i have been writing vim plugins
+<tejr> hel!!
+<tejr> s/l/lp/
+<ShadowM00n> and lo', he happen'd upon a vision
+<tejr> sir i perceive by this editor in my hand that i am condemned to configure and thence write pluggins and i find myself afraid to do the former and unable to do the latter
+<ShadowM00n> why not willing to configure, since this editor is attended to by so many options?
+<tejr> because i fear this ad-hoc, byzantine scripting language will sink me lower than the grave, and i shall fall into Topkek
A _quotes/2019-01-01-1.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-1.txt +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
+<tyil> Dwarf: There’s big penises and there’s small penises, but the best penis of all...
+<tyil> is happenis
+<Dwarf> aw
A _quotes/2019-01-01-2.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-2.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<kline> the only time you scored above average on your tests was the chromosome count you fucking mongoloid
A _quotes/2019-01-01-3.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-3.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<kline> i had to sign my spoon back in at the end of training, sadly
A _quotes/2019-01-01-4.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-4.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<tyil> I only acknowledge things that fit my narrative to be upset
A _quotes/2019-01-01-5.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-5.txt +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+<ShadowM00n> there is no winning
+<ShadowM00n> only less losing
A _quotes/2019-01-01-6.txt => _quotes/2019-01-01-6.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<Falson> There are no human "races" we are all same you fucking racist
A _quotes/2020-01-01-01.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-01.txt +19 -0
@@ 0,0 1,19 @@
+<kyrio> i run everything as root
+<kyrio> i install new things to run as root daily
+<kyrio> all my permissions are 777
+<kyrio> i use apache behind nginx behind lighttpd
+<kyrio> actually i use cloudflare between each one
+<kyrio> ssh is enabled at every level
+<kyrio> i run php exclusively
+<kyrio> i use discord and tiktok on my iphone
+<kyrio> i prefer templeos
+<kyrio> i only buy intel
+<kyrio> my favorite windows version was ME
+<kyrio> internet explorer 6.0 was the best version and modern browsers can't compete
+<kyrio> reddit is the best website
+<kyrio> it should be illegal to have sex with anyone under age 21
+<kyrio> there is nothing better in life that smoking some weed and watching cartoons about pickles on my ipad while i eat a bowl of fruit loops
+<kyrio> i had a special adapter case shaped like nintendo's mario made for me by someone on etsy. it holds the 7 adapters that i need to listen to music on my iphone while i charge it. it only cost me $733, which i thought was a really great deal!
A _quotes/2020-01-01-02.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-02.txt +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+<Dwarf> It's full of naked anime girls :(
+<Dwarf> And dudes dressed up as naked anime girls
+<ShadowM00n> maybe you should leave
+<Dwarf> no :D
A _quotes/2020-01-01-03.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-03.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<RTB64> stop telling me what to use dude, Jesus
A _quotes/2020-01-01-04.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-04.txt +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+<tejr> Now why the fuck do you think I would know what any of this weeb shit means tyil
+<tyil> haha tejr go reee
A _quotes/2020-01-01-05.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-05.txt +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
+<Wotac> i'm not an expert on this but i'm under the impression that suicide is very often a thought there
+<tyil> same
+<tyil> whenever I switch to this buffer, really
A _quotes/2020-01-01-06.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-06.txt +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+<tejr> The whole reason I come in here is so I can take the mask off and shriek autistically at things
+<ShadowM00n> which is why we keep mistaking him for tyil
A _quotes/2020-01-01-07.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-07.txt +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
+<leonardus> i dont think .wang can be registered
+<tejr> It can!
+<leonardus> where?
+<ShadowM00n> internet
+<leonardus> oh, of course
A _quotes/2020-01-01-08.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-08.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<kline> hey man i know lots of poorly adjusted but technically capable people :^)
A _quotes/2020-01-01-09.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-09.txt +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
+<Dwarf> imagine being American lmao
+<tyil> I'd rather not
+<Wotac> i think my imaginary self got shot immediately
A _quotes/2020-01-01-10.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-10.txt +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
+<tejr> Time to count who talks the most in #sqt
+<tejr> ahaha tyil you are first by a huge margin
+<tejr> It's not even close
+<tejr> But, guess who's second
+<tyil> hitler?
+<Wotac> no that's third
A _quotes/2020-01-01-11.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-11.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<ShadowM00n> I have no idea what I'm doing, and it kind of makes me mad.
A _quotes/2020-01-01-12.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-12.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<Wotac> it's 2020, you can be gay even if you didn't see twilight
A _quotes/2020-01-01-13.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-13.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<tesla_> bro i just type `apt install x` and it works lol
A _quotes/2020-01-01-14.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-14.txt +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+<samcv> this place is just shit. asking if a piece of shit is left wing or right wing is just a weird look
A _quotes/2020-01-01-15.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-15.txt +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+<je_suis_libre> i'm now angry
+<je_suis_libre> this is how this channel works
+<kline> it's like nerd sniping
+<kline> except with incendiary rounds
A _quotes/2020-01-01-16.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-16.txt +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+<kline> just wanna say fuck mikrotik
+<Dwarf> i identify as a mikrotik router and I find this offensive
+<Wotac> i identify as TCP and i didn't really get that
+<Dwarf> ACK
A _quotes/2020-01-01-17.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-17.txt +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
+<ProtoMan> herbstluftwm finally got proper floating windows, I have the perfect tiling wm now
+<tyil> nice
+<tyil> only took them like 10 years
+<ProtoMan> remind me what you've done in the past 10 years?
+<tyil> install gentoo
A _quotes/2020-01-01-18.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-18.txt +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
+<tyil> how can I submit new genders to the gender database
+<tyil> I want perlgender to be a thing now
+<tejr> Perlgender people love having moustaches and wearing cowboy hats
+<tyil> they usually ramble in ways nobody outside the community can understand
+<tyil> outsiders refer to it as "linenoise"
+<tejr> They say shit like "chomp my hash" during sex
+<tyil> "oh yeah push your scalar into my list"
+<tyil> thats not illegal cuz she's an animation and I'm a human~
+<tyil> first name dora
+<tyil> last name FUCK
+<tejr> Another backpack, cuz I know you like to coordinate
+<ProtoMan> i've missed these high level conversations
A _quotes/2020-01-01-19.txt => _quotes/2020-01-01-19.txt +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+<tyil> u seem like a white supremacist
+<Wotac> i can't tell if you meant that as a compliment
M irc.md => irc.md +9 -138
@@ 37,141 37,12 @@ experience with terminal programs.
## Shit #sqt says
-### 2020
-> <tyil> u seem like a white supremacist
-> <Wotac> i can't tell if you meant that as a compliment
-> <tyil> how can I submit new genders to the gender database
-> <tyil> I want perlgender to be a thing now
-> <tejr> Perlgender people love having moustaches and wearing cowboy hats
-> <tyil> they usually ramble in ways nobody outside the community can understand
-> <tyil> outsiders refer to it as "linenoise"
-> <tejr> They say shit like "chomp my hash" during sex
-> <tyil> "oh yeah push your scalar into my list"
-> <tyil> thats not illegal cuz she's an animation and I'm a human~
-> <tyil> first name dora
-> <tyil> last name FUCK
-> <tejr> Another backpack, cuz I know you like to coordinate
-> <ProtoMan> i've missed these high level conversations
-> <ProtoMan> herbstluftwm finally got proper floating windows, I have the
-> perfect tiling wm now
-> <tyil> nice
-> <tyil> only took them like 10 years
-> <ProtoMan> remind me what you've done in the past 10 years?
-> <tyil> install gentoo
-> <kline> just wanna say fuck mikrotik
-> <Dwarf> i identify as a mikrotik router and I find this offensive
-> <Wotac> i identify as TCP and i didn't really get that
-> <Dwarf> ACK
-> <je\_suis\_libre> i'm now angry
-> <je\_suis\_libre> this is how this channel works
-> <kline> it's like nerd sniping
-> <kline> except with incendiary rounds
-> <samcv> this place is just shit. asking if a piece of shit is left wing
-> or right wing is just a weird look
-> <tesla\_> bro i just type `apt install x` and it works lol
-> <Wotac> it's 2020, you can be gay even if you didn't see twilight
-> <ShadowM00n> I have no idea what I'm doing, and it kind of makes me
-> mad.
-> <tejr> Time to count who talks the most in #sqt
-> …
-> <tejr> ahaha tyil you are first by a huge margin
-> <tejr> It's not even close
-> <tejr> But, guess who's second
-> <tyil> hitler?
-> <Wotac> no that's third
-> <Dwarf> imagine being American lmao
-> <tyil> I'd rather not
-> <Wotac> i think my imaginary self got shot immediately
-> <kline> hey man i know lots of poorly adjusted but technically capable
-> people :^)
-> <leonardus> i dont think .wang can be registered
-> <tejr> It can!
-> <leonardus> where?
-> <ShadowM00n> internet
-> <leonardus> oh, of course
-> <tejr> The whole reason I come in here is so I can take the mask off
-> and shriek autistically at things
-> <ShadowM00n> which is why we keep mistaking him for tyil
-> <Wotac> i'm not an expert on this but i'm under the impression that
-> suicide is very often a thought there
-> <tyil> same
-> <tyil> whenever I switch to this buffer, really
-> <tejr> Now why the fuck do you think I would know what any of this weeb
-> shit means tyil
-> <tyil> haha tejr go reee
-> <RTB64> stop telling me what to use dude, Jesus
-> <tejr> [I have no tools because I destroyed my tools with my tools](https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/mickens/files/thenightwatch.pdf)
-> <leonardus> [https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/TnHJigNj/image.png](/assets/img/tejrs-tools.jpg)
-> <Dwarf> It's full of naked anime girls :(
-> <Dwarf> And dudes dressed up as naked anime girls
-> <ShadowM00n> maybe you should leave
-> <Dwarf> no :D
-> <kyrio> i run everything as root
-> <kyrio> i install new things to run as root daily
-> <kyrio> all my permissions are 777
-> <kyrio> i use apache behind nginx behind lighttpd
-> <kyrio> actually i use cloudflare between each one
-> <kyrio> ssh is enabled at every level
-> <kyrio> i run php exclusively
-> <kyrio> i use discord and tiktok on my iphone
-> <kyrio> i prefer templeos
-> <kyrio> i only buy intel
-> <kyrio> my favorite windows version was ME
-> <kyrio> internet explorer 6.0 was the best version and modern browsers can't compete
-> <kyrio> reddit is the best website
-> <kyrio> it should be illegal to have sex with anyone under age 21
-> <kyrio> there is nothing better in life that smoking some weed and watching cartoons about pickles on my ipad while i eat a bowl of fruit loops
-> <kyrio> i had a special adapter case shaped like nintendo's mario made for me by someone on etsy. it holds the 7 adapters that i need to listen to music on my iphone while i charge it. it only cost me $733, which i thought was a really great deal!
-### 2019
-> <Falson> There are no human "races" we are all same you fucking racist
-> <ShadowM00n> there is no winning
-> <ShadowM00n> only less losing
-> <tyil> I only acknowledge things that fit my narrative to be upset
-> <kline> i had to sign my spoon back in at the end of training, sadly
-> <kline> the only time you scored above average on your tests was the
-> chromosome count you fucking mongoloid
-> <tyil> Dwarf: There’s big penises and there’s small penises, but the
-> best penis of all...
-> <tyil> is happenis
-> <Dwarf> aw
-### 2017
-> <tejr> i have been writing vim plugins
-> <tejr> hel!!
-> <tejr> s/l/lp/
-> <ShadowM00n> and lo', he happen'd upon a vision
-> <tejr> sir i perceive by this editor in my hand that i am condemned to
-> configure and thence write pluggins and i find myself afraid to do the former
-> and unable to do the latter
-> <ShadowM00n> why not willing to configure, since this editor is
-> attended to by so many options?
-> <tejr> because i fear this ad-hoc, byzantine scripting language will
-> sink me lower than the grave, and i shall fall into Topkek
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+ {% endif %}
+ {% highlight text %}{{ quote.content }}{% endhighlight %}
+ {% assign prev_year = quote.date | date: "%Y" %}
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A => +25 -0
@@ 0,0 1,25 @@
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