@@ 1,25 1,27 @@
- "perl": "6",
- "name": "Hash::Merge",
- "version": "0.2.0",
- "auth": "github:scriptkitties",
- "description": "Module to add deep merge functionality to Hashes",
- "license": "Artistic-2.0",
- "depends": [
- ],
- "provides": {
- "Hash::Merge": "lib/Hash/Merge.pm6"
- },
- "authors": [
- "Samantha McVey <samantham@posteo.net>",
- "Patrick Spek <p.spek@tyil.work>"
- ],
- "tags": [
- "hash",
- "utils"
- ],
- "test-depends": [
- "Test::META"
- ],
- "source-url": "https://github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Hash-Merge.git"
+ "auth": "github:scriptkitties",
+ "authors": [
+ "Samantha McVey <samantham@posteo.net>",
+ "Patrick Spek <p.spek@tyil.work>"
+ ],
+ "depends": [
+ ],
+ "description": "Module to add deep merge functionality to Hashes",
+ "license": "Artistic-2.0",
+ "name": "Hash::Merge",
+ "perl": "6",
+ "provides": {
+ "Hash::Merge": "lib/Hash/Merge.pm6",
+ "Hash::Merge::Unit": "lib/Hash/Merge/Unit.pm6"
+ },
+ "source-url": "https://github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Hash-Merge.git",
+ "tags": [
+ "hash",
+ "utils"
+ ],
+ "test-depends": [
+ "Test::META"
+ ],
+ "version": "0.2.0"
@@ 0,0 1,60 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env false
+use v6;
+unit module Hash::Merge::Unit;
+#| Merge any number of Hashes together.
+sub merge-hashes(
+ *@hashes, #= Hashes to merge together
+ --> Hash
+) is export {
+ my %merge-into = @hashes.shift;
+ # Nothing to do if we only got 1 argument
+ return %merge-into unless @hashes.elems;
+ for ^@hashes.elems {
+ %merge-into = merge-hash(%merge-into, @hashes.shift);
+ }
+ %merge-into;
+#| Merge two hashes together.
+sub merge-hash(
+ %merge-into, #= The original Hash that should be merged into.
+ %merge-source, #= Another Hash to merge into the original Hash.
+ Bool:D :$no-append-array = False,
+ --> Hash
+) is export {
+ for %merge-source.keys -> $key {
+ if %merge-into{$key}:exists {
+ given %merge-source{$key} {
+ when Hash {
+ merge-hash(%merge-into{$key}, %merge-source{$key}, :$no-append-array);
+ }
+ when Positional {
+ %merge-into{$key} = $no-append-array
+ ?? %merge-source{$key}
+ !!
+ do {
+ my @a;
+ @a.push: $_ for %merge-into{$key}.list;
+ @a.push: $_ for %merge-source{$key}.list;
+ @a;
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ %merge-into{$key} = %merge-source{$key}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ %merge-into{$key} = %merge-source{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ %merge-into;
+# vim: ft=perl6 ts=4 sw=4 et