
e787950a7c64864630eee109dd5bcd5fa7aa2963 — Byron Torres 7 months ago 50a2907
time::date: use nomimal constants throughout
1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

M time/date/daydate.ha
M time/date/daydate.ha => time/date/daydate.ha +24 -15
@@ 14,6 14,15 @@ export def EPOCHDAY_GREGORIAN: i64 = -719164;
// Number of days in the Gregorian 400 year cycle
def GREGORIAN_CYCLE_DAYS: i64 = 146097;

fn has(item: int, list: int...) bool = {
	for (let member .. list) {
		if (member == item) {
			return true;
	return false;

// Calculates whether a year is a leap year.
export fn isleapyear(y: int) bool = {
	return if (y % 4 != 0) false

@@ 123,7 132,7 @@ fn calc_yearday(y: int, m: int, d: int) int = {
		273, 304, 334,

	if (m >= 3 && isleapyear(y)) {
	if (m > FEBRUARY && isleapyear(y)) {
		return months_firsts[m - 1] + d + 1;
	} else {
		return months_firsts[m - 1] + d;

@@ 136,20 145,20 @@ fn calc_isoweekyear(y: int, m: int, d: int, wd: int) int = {
	if (
		// if the date is within a week whose Thursday
		// belongs to the previous Gregorian year
		m == 1 && (
			(d == 1 && (wd == 4 || wd == 5 || wd == 6))
			|| (d == 2 && (wd == 5 || wd == 6))
			|| (d == 3 && wd == 6)
		m == JANUARY && (
			(d == 1 && has(wd, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)) ||
			(d == 2 && has(wd, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)) ||
			(d == 3 && has(wd, SUNDAY))
	) {
		return y - 1;
	} else if (
		// if the date is within a week whose Thursday
		// belongs to the next Gregorian year
		m == 12 && (
			(d == 29 && wd == 0)
			|| (d == 30 && (wd == 0 || wd == 1))
			|| (d == 31 && (wd == 0 || wd == 1 || wd == 2))
		m == DECEMBER && (
			(d == 29 && has(wd, MONDAY)) ||
			(d == 30 && has(wd, MONDAY, TUESDAY)) ||
			(d == 31 && has(wd, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY))
	) {
		return y + 1;

@@ 162,20 171,20 @@ fn calc_isoweekyear(y: int, m: int, d: int, wd: int) int = {
// given a year, week, day-of-week, and day-of-year.
fn calc_isoweek(y: int, w: int) int = {
	switch (calc_janfirstweekday(y)) {
	case 0 =>
	case MONDAY =>
		return w;
	case 1, 2, 3 =>
		return w + 1;
	case 4 =>
	case FRIDAY =>
		return if (w != 0) w else 53;
	case 5 =>
	case SATURDAY =>
		return if (w != 0) w else {
			yield if (isleapyear(y - 1)) 53 else 52;
	case 6 =>
	case SUNDAY =>
		return if (w != 0) w else 52;
	case =>