
d25645eef01a73b83e77bfb2f3d777833676140e — Byron Torres 6 months ago 928f2c7
time::date: implement zflag in realize()
1 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M time/date/virtual.ha
M time/date/virtual.ha => time/date/virtual.ha +186 -13
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// (c) Hare authors <https://harelang.org>

use sort;
use time;
use time::chrono;

@@ 131,13 132,13 @@ export type lack = enum u8 {
// by direct field assignments and/or with [[parse]]. Finish with [[realize]].
// 	let v = date::newvirtual();
// 	v.vloc = time::chrono::UTC;
// 	v.zoff = 0;
// 	date::parse(&v, "Date: %Y-%m-%d", "Date: 2038-01-19")!;
// 	v.hour = 03;
// 	v.minute = 14;
// 	v.second = 07;
// 	v.nanosecond = 0;
// 	v.vloc = chrono::tz("Europe/Amsterdam")!;
// 	v.zoff = date::zflag::LAP_EARLY | date::zflag::GAP_END;
// 	date::parse(&v, "Date: %Y-%m-%d", "Date: 2000-01-02")!;
// 	v.hour = 15;
// 	v.minute = 4;
// 	v.second = 5;
// 	v.nanosecond = 600000000;
// 	let d = date::realize(v)!;
export type virtual = struct {

@@ 151,7 152,7 @@ export type virtual = struct {
	// locality name
	locname:  (void | str),
	// zone offset
	zoff:     (void | time::duration),
	zoff:     (void | time::duration | zflag),
	// zone abbreviation
	zabbr:    (void | str),
	// all but the last two digits of the year

@@ 209,7 210,7 @@ export fn newvirtual() virtual = virtual {
// 	let v = date::newvirtual();
// 	v.locname = "Europe/Amsterdam";
// 	v.zoff = 1 * time::HOUR;
// 	v.zoff = date::zflag::LAP_EARLY | date::zflag::GAP_END;
// 	date::parse(&v, // fills-in .year .month .day
// 		"Date: %Y-%m-%d", "Date: 2038-01-19")!;
// 	v.hour = 4;

@@ 259,9 260,58 @@ export fn newvirtual() virtual = virtual {
// If not enough information was provided, [[insufficient]] is returned.
// If invalid information was provided, [[invalid]] is returned.
// Any [[zflag]]s assigned to the .zoff field affect the final result.
export fn realize(
	v: virtual,
	locs: chrono::locality...
) (date | insufficient | invalid | zfunresolved) = {
	match (v.zoff) {
	case void =>
		return lack::ZOFF;
	case time::duration =>
		return realize_validzoff(v, locs...);
	case let zf: zflag =>
		let valid_dates = realize_validzoffs(v, locs...)?;
		switch (len(valid_dates)) {
		case 0 =>
			if (0 != zf & zflag::GAP_END) {
				return realize_gapbounds(v).1;
			} else if (0 != zf & zflag::GAP_START) {
				return realize_gapbounds(v).0;
			} else {
				return false: zfunresolved;
		case 1 =>
			return valid_dates[0];
		case =>
			if (0 != zf & zflag::LAP_LATE) {
				return valid_dates[len(valid_dates) - 1];
			} else if (0 != zf & zflag::LAP_EARLY) {
				return valid_dates[0];
			} else {
				return true: zfunresolved;

fn realize_validzoff(
	v: virtual,
	locs: chrono::locality...
) (date | insufficient | invalid) = {
	let d = realize_datetimezoff(v, locs...)?;

	// verify zone offset
	if (chrono::ozone(&d).zoff != v.zoff as time::duration) {
		return invalid;

	return d;

fn realize_datetimezoff(
	v: virtual,
	locs: chrono::locality...
) (date | insufficient | invalid) = {
	let lacking = 0u8;

@@ 399,11 449,134 @@ export fn realize(
		v.daytime as i64,

	// verify zone offset
	const z = chrono::ozone(&d);
	if (z.zoff != v.zoff as time::duration) {
	return d;

fn realize_validzoffs(
	v: virtual,
	locs: chrono::locality...
) ([]date | insufficient | invalid) = {
	// check if only zoff is missing
	v.zoff = 0o0;
	match (realize_validzoff(v, locs...)) {
	case (date | invalid) =>
	case let ins: insufficient =>
		return ins;
	v.zoff = void;

	let dates: []date = [];

	// determine .loc
	if (v.vloc is chrono::locality) {
		v.loc = v.vloc as chrono::locality;
	} else if (v.locname is str) {
		for (let loc .. locs) {
			if (loc.name == v.locname as str) {
				v.loc = loc;
				v.vloc = loc;
	} else {
		return insufficient::LOCALITY;

	// try matching zone abbreviation
	if (v.zabbr is str) {
		for (let zone .. v.loc.zones) {
			if (v.zabbr as str == zone.abbr) {
				v.zoff = zone.zoff;
				match (realize_validzoff(v, locs...)) {
				case let d: date =>
					match (sort::search(
						dates, size(date), &d, &cmpdates,
					)) {
					case size =>
					case void =>
						append(dates, d);
						sort::sort(dates, size(date), &cmpdates);
				case invalid =>
				case =>

		return invalid;

	return d;
	// try zone offsets from locality
	for (let zone .. v.loc.zones) {
		v.zoff = zone.zoff;
		match (realize_validzoff(v, locs...)) {
		case let d: date =>
			match (sort::search(dates, size(date), &d, &cmpdates)) {
			case size =>
			case void =>
				append(dates, d);
				sort::sort(dates, size(date), &cmpdates);
		case invalid =>
		case =>

	return dates;

fn cmpdates(a: const *opaque, b: const *opaque) int = {
	let a = a: *date;
	let b = b: *date;
	return chrono::compare(a, b)!: int;

fn realize_gapbounds(v: virtual) (date, date) = {
	let loc = v.vloc as chrono::locality;

	let zlo: time::duration =  48 * time::HOUR;
	let zhi: time::duration = -48 * time::HOUR;
	for (let zone .. loc.zones) {
		if (zone.zoff > zhi) {
			zhi = zone.zoff;
		if (zone.zoff < zlo) {
			zlo = zone.zoff;

	v.zoff = zhi;
	let earliest = realize_datetimezoff(v)!;
	let earliest = *(&earliest: *time::instant);

	v.zoff = zlo;
	let latest = realize_datetimezoff(v)!;
	let latest = *(&latest: *time::instant);

	let t = time::instant{ ... };
	for (let tr .. loc.transitions) {
		let is_within_bounds = (
			time::compare(earliest, tr.when) < 0
			&& time::compare(latest, tr.when) > 0

		if (is_within_bounds) {
			t = tr.when;

	let gapstart = from_instant(loc, time::add(t, -time::NANOSECOND));
	let gapend   = from_instant(loc, t);

	// TODO: check if original v falls within gapstart & gapend?

	return (gapstart, gapend);