
58ceb6d20c26374008e384109ad4ca52f73ac9e0 — Byron Torres 6 months ago d1e6dac
time::date: implement zflag in truncate()

A new zoff parameter is added.

Breaking-change: 0.24.1
1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

M time/date/parithm.ha
M time/date/parithm.ha => time/date/parithm.ha +39 -36
@@ 119,61 119,64 @@ export fn unitdiff(a: date, b: date, u: unit) i64 = {

// Truncates the given [[date]] at the provided nominal [[unit]].
// The [[zflag]] parameter affects the final result. Example:
// For example, truncating to the nearest unit::MONTH will set the 'day',
// 'hour', 'minute', 'second', and 'nanosecond' fields to their minimum values.
export fn truncate(d: date, u: unit) date = {
	// TODO: There exist timezones where midnight is invalid on certain
	// days. The new()! calls will fail, but we probably don't want to '?'
	// propagate [[invalid]] to keep this function's use simple. The minimum
	// values (the zeroes and ones here) can't be hardcoded. They need
	// calculation. We should either handle this here; or probably in
	// realize(), and then use realize() here.
	return switch (u) {
// 	// On this day in Sao Paulo, a +1 hour jump occurs at 00:00.
// 	// The time range 00:00..00:59 is never observed.
// 	//
// 	// 2000-10-08 12:00:00.000000000 -0200 -02 America/Sao_Paulo
// 	let a = date::new(chrono::tz("America/Sao_Paulo")!, -2 * time::HOUR,
// 		2000, 10,  8, 12)!
// 	//
// 	// 2000-10-08 01:00:00.000000000 -0200 -02 America/Sao_Paulo
// 	let b = date::truncate(a, date::zflag::GAP_END, date::unit::DAY)!;
export fn truncate(d: date, zf: zflag, u: unit) (date | invalid | zfunresolved) = {
	switch (u) {
	case unit::ERA =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			1, 1, 1,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::YEAR =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), 1, 1,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::MONTH =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), _month(&d), 1,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::WEEK =>
		const dd = chrono::daydate(&d) - _weekday(&d);
		const ymd = calc_ymd(dd);
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			ymd.0, ymd.1, ymd.2,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::DAY =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), _month(&d), _day(&d),
			0, 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::HOUR =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), _month(&d), _day(&d),
			_hour(&d), 0, 0, 0,
	case unit::MINUTE =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), _month(&d), _day(&d),
			_hour(&d), _minute(&d), 0, 0,
	case unit::SECOND =>
		yield new(d.loc, chrono::ozone(&d).zoff,
		return new(d.loc, zf,
			_year(&d), _month(&d), _day(&d),
			_hour(&d), _minute(&d), _second(&d), 0,
	case unit::NANOSECOND =>
		yield d;
		return d;

@@ 343,47 346,47 @@ export fn truncate(d: date, u: unit) date = {
	const d = new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 27, 11, 20, 1, 2)!;

			&truncate(d, unit::ERA),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::ERA)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 01");

			&truncate(d, unit::YEAR),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::YEAR)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 02");

			&truncate(d, unit::MONTH),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::MONTH)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 03");

			&truncate(d, unit::WEEK),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::WEEK)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 04");

			&truncate(d, unit::DAY),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::DAY)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 05");

			&truncate(d, unit::HOUR),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::HOUR)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 27, 11, 0, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 06");

			&truncate(d, unit::MINUTE),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::MINUTE)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 27, 11, 20, 0, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 07");

			&truncate(d, unit::SECOND),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::SECOND)!,
			&new(chrono::UTC, 0, 1994, 8, 27, 11, 20, 1, 0)!)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 08");

			&truncate(d, unit::NANOSECOND),
			&truncate(d, zflag::CONTIG, unit::NANOSECOND)!,
		"invalid truncate() result 09");