
eb9738ef552dd59a56a5953a4de6216f70564908 — Daniel Wakefield 8 years ago 20e709a
Change int's to rune's and remove gospec dependency

fnmatch would not run at all without changing the int's to rune's

Removing Gospec as is is deprecated and table driven tests are just
as readable
2 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)

M fnmatch.go
M fnmatch_test.go
M fnmatch.go => fnmatch.go +6 -6
@@ 12,7 12,7 @@ package fnmatch

import (

const (

@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ const (

func unpackRune(str *string) int {
func unpackRune(str *string) rune {
	rune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(*str)
	*str = (*str)[size:]
	return rune

@@ 50,8 50,8 @@ func Match(pattern, s string, flags int) bool {
	sAtStart := true
	sLastAtStart := true
	sLastSlash := false
	sLastUnpacked := 0
	unpackS := func() int {
	sLastUnpacked := rune(0)
	unpackS := func() rune {
		sLastSlash = (sLastUnpacked == '/')
		sLastUnpacked = unpackRune(&s)
		sLastAtStart = sAtStart

@@ 146,7 146,7 @@ func Match(pattern, s string, flags int) bool {
	return len(s) == 0 || (leadingdir && s[0] == '/')

func rangematch(pattern *string, test int, flags int) bool {
func rangematch(pattern *string, test rune, flags int) bool {
	if len(*pattern) == 0 {
		return false

@@ 209,7 209,7 @@ func rangematch(pattern *string, test int, flags int) bool {

// define strchr because strings.Index() seems a bit overkill
// returns the index of c in s, or -1 if there is no match
func strchr(s string, c int) int {
func strchr(s string, c rune) int {
	for i, sc := range s {
		if sc == c {
			return i

M fnmatch_test.go => fnmatch_test.go +322 -155
@@ 1,21 1,16 @@
package fnmatch
package fnmatch_test

import (

func TestAllSpecs(t *testing.T) {
	r := gospec.NewRunner()
	r.AddSpec("MatchSpec", MatchSpec)
	gospec.MainGoTest(r, t)

// This is a set of tests ported from a set of tests for C fnmatch
// found at http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-gnulib@gnu.org/msg14048.html
func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
	assert := func(p, s string) {
		if !Match(p, s, 0) {
		if !fnmatch.Match(p, s, 0) {
			t.Errorf("Assertion failed: Match(%#v, %#v, 0)", p, s)

@@ 30,155 25,327 @@ func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
	assert("foo*.txt", "foobar.txt")
	assert("foo.txt", "foo.txt")
	assert("foo\\.txt", "foo.txt")
	if Match("foo\\.txt", "foo.txt", FNM_NOESCAPE) {
	if fnmatch.Match("foo\\.txt", "foo.txt", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE) {
		t.Errorf("Assertion failed: Match(%#v, %#v, FNM_NOESCAPE) == false", "foo\\.txt", "foo.txt")

func MatchSpec(c *gospec.Context) {
	c.Specify("A wildcard pattern \"*\" should match anything", func() {
		p := "*"
		c.Then(Match(p, "", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "*", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "   ", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, ".foo", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "わたし", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		testSlash := func(flags int, result bool) {
			c.Then(Match(p, "foo/bar", flags)).Should.Equal(result)
			c.Then(Match(p, "/", flags)).Should.Equal(result)
			c.Then(Match(p, "/foo", flags)).Should.Equal(result)
			c.Then(Match(p, "foo/", flags)).Should.Equal(result)
func TestWildcard(t *testing.T) {
	// A wildcard pattern "*" should match anything
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		{"*", "", 0, true},
		{"*", "foo", 0, true},
		{"*", "*", 0, true},
		{"*", "   ", 0, true},
		{"*", ".foo", 0, true},
		{"*", "わたし", 0, true},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestWildcardSlash(t *testing.T) {
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		// Should match / when flags are 0
		{"*", "foo/bar", 0, true},
		{"*", "/", 0, true},
		{"*", "/foo", 0, true},
		{"*", "foo/", 0, true},
		// Shouldnt match / when flags include FNM_PATHNAME
		{"*", "foo/bar", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},
		{"*", "/", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},
		{"*", "/foo", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},
		{"*", "foo/", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,
	for _, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestWildcardFNMPeriod(t *testing.T) {
	// FNM_PERIOD means that . is not matched in some circumstances.
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		{"*", ".foo", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD, false},
		{"/*", "/.foo", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD, true},
		{"/*", "/.foo", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD | fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,
		c.Specify("Including / when flags is 0", func() { testSlash(0, true) })
		c.Specify("Except / when used with FNM_PATHNAME", func() { testSlash(FNM_PATHNAME, false) })
		c.Specify("Except . in some circumstances when used with FNM_PERIOD", func() {
			c.Then(Match("*", ".foo", FNM_PERIOD)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("/*", "/.foo", FNM_PERIOD)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("/*", "/.foo", FNM_PERIOD|FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false)

	c.Specify("A question mark pattern \"?\" should match a single character", func() {
		p := "?"
		c.Then(Match(p, "", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match(p, "f", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, ".", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "?", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match(p, "わ", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match(p, "わた", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Even / when flags is 0", func() { c.Then(Match(p, "/", 0)).Should.Equal(true) })
		c.Specify("Except / when flags is FNM_PATHNAME", func() { c.Then(Match(p, "/", FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false) })
		c.Specify("Except . sometimes when FNM_PERIOD is given", func() {
			c.Then(Match("?", ".", FNM_PERIOD)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("foo?", "foo.", FNM_PERIOD)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("/?", "/.", FNM_PERIOD)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("/?", "/.", FNM_PERIOD|FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false)

	c.Specify("A range pattern", func() {
		p := "[a-z]"
		c.Specify("Should match a single character inside its range", func() {
			c.Then(Match(p, "a", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match(p, "q", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match(p, "z", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[わ]", "わ", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Specify("Should not match characters outside its range", func() {
			c.Then(Match(p, "-", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match(p, " ", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match(p, "D", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match(p, "é", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Should only match one character", func() {
			c.Then(Match(p, "ab", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match(p, "", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Should not consume more of the pattern than necessary", func() { c.Then(Match(p+"foo", "afoo", 0)).Should.Equal(true) })

		c.Specify("Should match a - if it's the first or last character or backslash-escaped", func() {
			c.Then(Match("[-az]", "-", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[-az]", "a", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[-az]", "b", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[az-]", "-", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[a\\-z]", "-", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[a\\-z]", "b", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Specify("And ignore \\ when FNM_NOESCAPE is given", func() {
				c.Then(Match("[a\\-z]", "\\", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(true)
				c.Then(Match("[a\\-z]", "-", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Should be negated if starting with ^ or !", func() {
			c.Then(Match("[^a-z]", "a", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[!a-z]", "b", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[!a-z]", "é", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[!a-z]", "わ", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Specify("And still match - if following the negation character", func() {
				c.Then(Match("[^-az]", "-", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
				c.Then(Match("[^-az]", "b", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Specify("Should support multiple characters/ranges", func() {
			c.Then(Match("[abc]", "a", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[abc]", "c", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[abc]", "d", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[a-cg-z]", "c", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[a-cg-z]", "h", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[a-cg-z]", "d", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Should not match / when flags is FNM_PATHNAME", func() {
			c.Then(Match("[abc/def]", "/", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("[abc/def]", "/", FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[.-0]", "/", 0)).Should.Equal(true) // .-0 includes /
			c.Then(Match("[.-0]", "/", FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Specify("Should normally be case-sensitive", func() {
			c.Then(Match("[a-z]", "A", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("[A-Z]", "a", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Specify("Except when FNM_CASEFOLD is given", func() {
				c.Then(Match("[a-z]", "A", FNM_CASEFOLD)).Should.Equal(true)
				c.Then(Match("[A-Z]", "a", FNM_CASEFOLD)).Should.Equal(true)
		// What about [a-c-f]? How should that behave? It's undocumented.

	c.Specify("A backslash should escape the following character", func() {
		c.Then(Match("\\\\", "\\", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("\\*", "*", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("\\*", "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("\\?", "?", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("\\?", "f", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("\\[a-z]", "[a-z]", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("\\[a-z]", "a", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("\\foo", "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("\\わ", "わ", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Specify("Unless FNM_NOESCAPE is given", func() {
			c.Then(Match("\\\\", "\\", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("\\\\", "\\\\", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("\\*", "foo", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(false)
			c.Then(Match("\\*", "\\*", FNM_NOESCAPE)).Should.Equal(true)

	c.Specify("Literal characters should match themselves", func() {
		c.Then(Match("foo", "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("foo", "foobar", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("foobar", "foo", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("foo", "Foo", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("わたし", "わたし", 0)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Specify("And perform case-folding when FNM_CASEFOLD is given", func() {
			c.Then(Match("foo", "FOO", FNM_CASEFOLD)).Should.Equal(true)
			c.Then(Match("FoO", "fOo", FNM_CASEFOLD)).Should.Equal(true)

	c.Specify("FNM_LEADING_DIR should ignore trailing /*", func() {
		c.Then(Match("foo", "foo/bar", 0)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("foo", "foo/bar", FNM_LEADING_DIR)).Should.Equal(true)
		c.Then(Match("*", "foo/bar", FNM_PATHNAME)).Should.Equal(false)
		c.Then(Match("*", "foo/bar", FNM_PATHNAME|FNM_LEADING_DIR)).Should.Equal(true)

func TestQuestionMark(t *testing.T) {
	//A question mark pattern "?" should match a single character
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		{"?", "", 0, false},
		{"?", "f", 0, true},
		{"?", ".", 0, true},
		{"?", "?", 0, true},
		{"?", "foo", 0, false},
		{"?", "わ", 0, true},
		{"?", "わた", 0, false},
		// Even '/' when flags are 0
		{"?", "/", 0, true},
		// Except '/' when flags include FNM_PATHNAME
		{"?", "/", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestQuestionMarkExceptions(t *testing.T) {
	//When flags include FNM_PERIOD a '?' might not match a '.' character.
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		{"?", ".", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD, false},
		{"foo?", "foo.", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD, true},
		{"/?", "/.", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD, true},
		{"/?", "/.", fnmatch.FNM_PERIOD | fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestRange(t *testing.T) {
	azPat := "[a-z]"
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		// Should match a single character inside its range
		{azPat, "a", 0, true},
		{azPat, "q", 0, true},
		{azPat, "z", 0, true},
		{"[わ]", "わ", 0, true},

		// Should not match characters outside its range
		{azPat, "-", 0, false},
		{azPat, " ", 0, false},
		{azPat, "D", 0, false},
		{azPat, "é", 0, false},

		//Should only match one character
		{azPat, "ab", 0, false},
		{azPat, "", 0, false},

		// Should not consume more of the pattern than necessary
		{azPat + "foo", "afoo", 0, true},

		// Should match '-' if it is the first/last character or is
		// backslash escaped
		{"[-az]", "-", 0, true},
		{"[-az]", "a", 0, true},
		{"[-az]", "b", 0, false},
		{"[az-]", "-", 0, true},
		{"[a\\-z]", "-", 0, true},
		{"[a\\-z]", "b", 0, false},

		// ignore '\\' when FNM_NOESCAPE is given
		{"[a\\-z]", "\\", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, true},
		{"[a\\-z]", "-", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, false},

		// Should be negated if starting with ^ or !"
		{"[^a-z]", "a", 0, false},
		{"[!a-z]", "b", 0, false},
		{"[!a-z]", "é", 0, true},
		{"[!a-z]", "わ", 0, true},

		// Still match '-' if following the negation character
		{"[^-az]", "-", 0, false},
		{"[^-az]", "b", 0, true},

		// Should support multiple characters/ranges
		{"[abc]", "a", 0, true},
		{"[abc]", "c", 0, true},
		{"[abc]", "d", 0, false},
		{"[a-cg-z]", "c", 0, true},
		{"[a-cg-z]", "h", 0, true},
		{"[a-cg-z]", "d", 0, false},

		//Should not match '/' when flags is FNM_PATHNAME
		{"[abc/def]", "/", 0, true},
		{"[abc/def]", "/", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},
		{"[.-0]", "/", 0, true}, // The range [.-0] includes /
		{"[.-0]", "/", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},

		// Should normally be case-sensitive
		{"[a-z]", "A", 0, false},
		{"[A-Z]", "a", 0, false},
		//Except when FNM_CASEFOLD is given
		{"[a-z]", "A", fnmatch.FNM_CASEFOLD, true},
		{"[A-Z]", "a", fnmatch.FNM_CASEFOLD, true},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestBackSlash(t *testing.T) {
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		//A backslash should escape the following characters
		{"\\\\", "\\", 0, true},
		{"\\*", "*", 0, true},
		{"\\*", "foo", 0, false},
		{"\\?", "?", 0, true},
		{"\\?", "f", 0, false},
		{"\\[a-z]", "[a-z]", 0, true},
		{"\\[a-z]", "a", 0, false},
		{"\\foo", "foo", 0, true},
		{"\\わ", "わ", 0, true},

		// Unless FNM_NOESCAPE is given
		{"\\\\", "\\", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, false},
		{"\\\\", "\\\\", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, true},
		{"\\*", "foo", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, false},
		{"\\*", "\\*", fnmatch.FNM_NOESCAPE, true},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestLiteral(t *testing.T) {
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		//Literal characters should match themselves
		{"foo", "foo", 0, true},
		{"foo", "foobar", 0, false},
		{"foobar", "foo", 0, false},
		{"foo", "Foo", 0, false},
		{"わたし", "わたし", 0, true},
		// And perform case-folding when FNM_CASEFOLD is given
		{"foo", "FOO", fnmatch.FNM_CASEFOLD, true},
		{"FoO", "fOo", fnmatch.FNM_CASEFOLD, true},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,

func TestFNMLeadingDir(t *testing.T) {
	cases := []struct {
		pattern string
		input   string
		flags   int
		want    bool
		// FNM_LEADING_DIR should ignore trailing '/*'
		{"foo", "foo/bar", 0, false},
		{"foo", "foo/bar", fnmatch.FNM_LEADING_DIR, true},
		{"*", "foo/bar", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME, false},
		{"*", "foo/bar", fnmatch.FNM_PATHNAME | fnmatch.FNM_LEADING_DIR, true},

	for tc, c := range cases {
		got := fnmatch.Match(c.pattern, c.input, c.flags)
		if got != c.want {
				"Testcase #%d failed: fnmatch.Match('%s', '%s', %d) should be %v not %v",
				tc, c.pattern, c.input, c.flags, c.want, got,