
ccc367fd48655b8709a01653b224e5ffa19c9dee — ieatkittens 8 years ago 7dee62f
[1.9.x] Fixed #26293 -- Fixed CommonMiddleware to process PREPEND_WWW and APPEND_SLASH independently.

Backport of 9390da7fb6e251eaa9a785692f987296cb14523f from master
3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M django/middleware/common.py
M docs/releases/1.9.5.txt
M tests/middleware/tests.py
M django/middleware/common.py => django/middleware/common.py +11 -10
@@ 54,18 54,19 @@ class CommonMiddleware(object):

        # Check for a redirect based on settings.PREPEND_WWW
        host = request.get_host()
        must_prepend = settings.PREPEND_WWW and host and not host.startswith('www.')
        redirect_url = ('%s://www.%s' % (request.scheme, host)) if must_prepend else ''

        if settings.PREPEND_WWW and host and not host.startswith('www.'):
            host = 'www.' + host

            # Check if we also need to append a slash so we can do it all
            # with a single redirect.
            if self.should_redirect_with_slash(request):
                path = self.get_full_path_with_slash(request)
                path = request.get_full_path()
        # Check if a slash should be appended
        if self.should_redirect_with_slash(request):
            path = self.get_full_path_with_slash(request)
            path = request.get_full_path()

            return self.response_redirect_class('%s://%s%s' % (request.scheme, host, path))
        # Return a redirect if necessary
        if redirect_url or path != request.get_full_path():
            redirect_url += path
            return self.response_redirect_class(redirect_url)

    def should_redirect_with_slash(self, request):

M docs/releases/1.9.5.txt => docs/releases/1.9.5.txt +3 -0
@@ 34,3 34,6 @@ Bugfixes
* Fixed a crash when using a reverse lookup with a subquery when a
  ``ForeignKey`` has a ``to_field`` set to something other than the primary key

* Fixed a regression in ``CommonMiddleware`` that caused spurious warnings in
  logs on requests missing a trailing slash (:ticket:`26293`).

M tests/middleware/tests.py => tests/middleware/tests.py +1 -6
@@ 67,10 67,8 @@ class CommonMiddlewareTest(SimpleTestCase):
        APPEND_SLASH should redirect slashless URLs to a valid pattern.
        request = self.rf.get('/slash')
        response = HttpResponseNotFound()
        r = CommonMiddleware().process_response(request, response)
        r = CommonMiddleware().process_request(request)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 301)
        self.assertEqual(r.url, '/slash/')

    def test_append_slash_redirect_querystring(self):

@@ 301,9 299,6 @@ class CommonMiddlewareTest(SimpleTestCase):
        request = self.rf.get('/slash')
        request.META['QUERY_STRING'] = force_str('drink=café')
        r = CommonMiddleware().process_request(request)
        response = HttpResponseNotFound()
        r = CommonMiddleware().process_response(request, response)
        self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 301)

    def test_response_redirect_class(self):