
97ccab126cb395f3ed5d31ebb37995dcbe27329f — Claude Paroz 8 years ago 6a8ba2e
[1.9.x] Refs #25532 -- Removed a failing test on Django 1.9

That test is failing on Django 1.9, that issue has been fixed on master
only as it touches a part of form validation that is too important to
touch for a stable release.
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M tests/postgres_tests/test_json.py
M tests/postgres_tests/test_json.py => tests/postgres_tests/test_json.py +0 -8
@@ 260,14 260,6 @@ class TestFormField(PostgreSQLTestCase):
        form_field = model_field.formfield()
        self.assertIsInstance(form_field, forms.JSONField)

    def test_formfield_disabled(self):
        class JsonForm(Form):
            name = CharField()
            jfield = forms.JSONField(disabled=True)

        form = JsonForm({'name': 'xyz', 'jfield': '["bar"]'}, initial={'jfield': ['foo']})
        self.assertIn('[&quot;foo&quot;]</textarea>', form.as_p())

    def test_prepare_value(self):
        field = forms.JSONField()
        self.assertEqual(field.prepare_value({'a': 'b'}), '{"a": "b"}')