
18b1f6ce3f90a30a75adc61ea8f60e0980ee7f48 — Bor Grošelj Simić 1 year, 9 months ago 29a65b8
day 8
3 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A 8/lex.mll
A 8/t1.ml
A 8/t2.ml
A 8/lex.mll => 8/lex.mll +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
type token =
	| Line of string
	| Eof

rule token = parse
	| (['0'-'9']+ as s) '\n' { Line s }
	| eof { Eof }

A 8/t1.ml => 8/t1.ml +42 -0
@@ 0,0 1,42 @@
open Lex

let int_of_char c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'

let array_of_string s =
	let fn i = int_of_char (String.get s i) in
	Array.init (String.length s) fn

let rec f lexbuf =
	match Lex.token lexbuf with
	| Eof -> []
	| Line l -> array_of_string l :: f lexbuf

let indexify arr =
	let fn = (fun i -> Array.init (Array.length arr) (fun j -> arr.(i).(j), (i, j))) in
	Array.init (Array.length (arr.(0))) fn

let transpose arr =
	let fn = (fun i -> Array.init (Array.length arr) (fun j -> arr.(j).(i))) in
	Array.init (Array.length (arr.(0))) fn

module PairSet = Set.Make(
		type t = int * int
		let compare = compare

let count arr =
	let merge (c, m) (a, pos) =
		if m < a then (PairSet.add pos c, a) else (c, m) in
	let swap f a b = f b a in
	let left = Array.fold_left merge (PairSet.empty, -1) arr |> fst
	and right = Array.fold_right (swap merge) arr (PairSet.empty, -1) |> fst in
	PairSet.union left right

let () =
	let arr = stdin |> Lexing.from_channel |> f |> Array.of_list |> indexify in
	let app = Array.fold_left (fun c a -> PairSet.union c (count a)) PairSet.empty in
	PairSet.union (app arr) (app (transpose arr))
		|> PairSet.cardinal
		|> Printf.printf "%d\n"

A 8/t2.ml => 8/t2.ml +48 -0
@@ 0,0 1,48 @@
open Lex

let int_of_char c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'

let array_of_string s =
	let fn i = int_of_char (String.get s i) in
	Array.init (String.length s) fn

let rec f lexbuf =
	match Lex.token lexbuf with
	| Eof -> []
	| Line l -> array_of_string l :: f lexbuf

let indexify arr =
	let fn = (fun i -> Array.init (Array.length arr) (fun j -> arr.(i).(j), (i, j))) in
	Array.init (Array.length (arr.(0))) fn

let transpose arr =
	let fn = (fun i -> Array.init (Array.length arr) (fun j -> arr.(j).(i))) in
	Array.init (Array.length (arr.(0))) fn

let arr = stdin |> Lexing.from_channel |> f |> Array.of_list
let results = ref (Array.make_matrix (Array.length arr) (Array.length arr.(0)) 1)

let dists arr =
	let rec merge l (a, (y, x)) =
		match l with
		| [] ->
				!results.(y).(x) <- 0;
				[a, x]
		| (h, _) :: es when h < a ->
				merge es (a, (y, x))
		| (h, x') :: es ->
				!results.(y).(x) <- !results.(y).(x) * (0 + abs (x - x'));
				(a, x) :: (h, x') :: es
	let swap f a b = f b a in
	Array.fold_left merge [10, 0] arr |> ignore;
	Array.fold_right (swap merge) arr [10, Array.length arr - 1] |> ignore;

let () =
	Array.iter dists (arr |> indexify);
	results := transpose !results;
	Array.iter dists (arr |> transpose |> indexify);
		|> Array.fold_left (fun a b -> max a (Array.fold_left max 0 b)) 0
		|> Printf.printf "%d\n"