
Rust web app with a bunch of random (but probably useful) tools
310d7932 — Dang Hoang Tuan 2 years ago
Update code block in `Installation` section to be more neat
0e36f76e — Dang Hoang Tuan 2 years ago
Remove duplicated `Table of content` section in `Table of content`
7b9c51e8 — Dang Hoang Tuan 2 years ago
GitHub workflow is kinda unneeded


browse  log 



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Rust web app with a bunch of random (but probably useful) tools

#Table of Content



GitHub Repo stars PRs Welcome

Randy is Rust web app with a bunch of random tools.


  • Terminal-friendly (Can be used easily using curl)
  • Built with Rust
  • Self-hostable
  • Tools include:
    • Random number generator (/rand/)
    • Display current time using (/now/)
    • Unique ID generator using (/id/)
    • Owoify text (/owo/)
    • Display IP address (from https://httpbin.org/ip) (/ip/)


Contributions are welcome. If you found any bugs or want to requrest a feature, please open an issue.


  • First, install the Rust compiler and its package manager, cargo, at here
  • Next, clone this repo and cd to it:
    git clone https://github.com/HoangTuan110/randy
  • Then, run:
    cargo run
    This will install all the dependencies required to run Randy and start the server.
  • Finally, you should see this message:
    Choo Choo! Listening at!
    Then you can start curling Randy:



This app uses the following libraries:

  • warp as the web framework
  • rand to generate random numbers
  • chrono as the date time library
  • nanoid to generate unique ID
  • owoify to owoify text
  • ureq as the HTTP client
  • serde_json to convert raw JS data into Rust objects

Thanks README Templates and GitPoint's README for the template. This project uses GitPoint's README template.

Thanks this TOC generator for the TOC (Table Of Content).

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