fix bug in capstone -> wall logic
Changed stack rendering to vertical with indicators for direction
Actually it should be an MD
Clone the repo, issue cargo build
and enjoy (?)
Takwrap supports local play, undo, and starting variant and game
exporting to PTN. See takwrap -h
for options and details.
Note in particular that takwrap
supports the following alternate
starting configurations, which are embedded in the exported PTN file
as [Variant XXX]
CPSn, counter-play start with n=1 is the default.
White places a black flat, then black places a white flat. This repeats n times, after which normal play resumes.
FCS, forbidden corner start.
CPS1 but white may not place the black flat in a corner
FES, forbidden edge start.
CPS1 but white may not place the black flat on an edge
TPS, two ply start.
White places two black flats, then black places a white flat and normal play resumes.
CZS, Czech start.
White places a black flat, then normal play resumes
Takwrap does not have computer opponents built in, but instead allows
interfacing with external engine programmes with the -e
It expects the name of an executable in the path which accepts the
name of a file with a game-state in PTN, and which returns a single,
valid move.
See the file wrap_taktician
for an example of utilising Taktician
for this purpose.
Note that the engine is expected to respect the [Variant XXX]
in the PTN game-state, so expect breakage with anything but the
With thanks to