
7b784e3011d2e79393b6c1f8e8070c2a59e44775 — Thomas Sileo 1 year, 8 months ago 5d1ae0c
Tweak code highlight
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

M app/source.py
M app/utils/highlight.py
M app/source.py => app/source.py +11 -5
@@ 3,12 3,12 @@ import typing

from loguru import logger
from mistletoe import Document  # type: ignore
from mistletoe.block_token import CodeFence  # type: ignore
from mistletoe.html_renderer import HTMLRenderer  # type: ignore
from mistletoe.span_token import SpanToken  # type: ignore
from pygments import highlight  # type: ignore
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter  # type: ignore
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name as get_lexer  # type: ignore
from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer  # type: ignore
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound  # type: ignore
from sqlalchemy import select

from app import webfinger

@@ 104,10 104,16 @@ class CustomRenderer(HTMLRenderer):
        return link

    def render_block_code(self, token: typing.Any) -> str:
    def render_block_code(self, token: CodeFence) -> str:
        lexer_attr = ""
            lexer = get_lexer(token.language)
            lexer_attr = f' data-microblogpub-lexer="{lexer.aliases[0]}"'
        except ClassNotFound:

        code = token.children[0].content
        lexer = get_lexer(token.language) if token.language else guess_lexer(code)
        return highlight(code, lexer, _FORMATTER)
        return f"<pre><code{lexer_attr}>\n{code}\n</code></pre>"

async def _prefetch_mentioned_actors(

M app/utils/highlight.py => app/utils/highlight.py +13 -14
@@ 32,23 32,22 @@ def highlight(html: str) -> str:

        # If this comes from a microblog.pub instance we may have the language
        # in the class name
        if "class" in code.attrs and code.attrs["class"][0].startswith("language-"):
        if "data-microblogpub-lexer" in code.attrs:
                lexer = get_lexer_by_name(
                lexer = get_lexer_by_name(code.attrs["data-microblogpub-lexer"])
            except Exception:
                lexer = guess_lexer(code_content)

            # Replace the code with Pygment output
            # XXX: the HTML escaping causes issue with Python type annotations
            code_content = code_content.replace(") -&gt; ", ") -> ")
                    phighlight(code_content, lexer, _FORMATTER), "html5lib"
            lexer = guess_lexer(code_content)

        # Replace the code with Pygment output
        # XXX: the HTML escaping causes issue with Python type annotations
        code_content = code_content.replace(") -&gt; ", ") -> ")
                phighlight(code_content, lexer, _FORMATTER), "html5lib"
            code.name = "div"
            code["class"] = code.get("class", []) + ["highlight"]

    return soup.body.encode_contents().decode()