@@ 5,32 5,32 @@ local router = require('router').new()
local ft = require('filetree')
local docstore = require('docstore')
-local notes_col = "notes"
+local col = docstore.col('notes')
-- File upload endpoint used when creating a new note
router:post('/attachment', function(params)
local f = app.request:file('file')
local ref = ft.upload_file(f.filename, f.contents)
- app.response:write("@filetree/ref:" .. ref)
+ app.response:write('@filetree/ref:' .. ref)
function _expand_note(d, pointers, size, excerpt)
- d.updated = extra.format_datetime(d._updated, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", "Jan 02, 2006 @ 15:04 MST")
+ d.updated = extra.format_datetime(d._updated, '2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00', 'Jan 02, 2006 @ 15:04 MST')
if d.attachments ~= nil then
for _, attachment in ipairs(d.attachments) do
local a = pointers[attachment]
if a ~= nil then
- if a.file_type == "image" then
- d.content, _ = string.gsub(d.content, attachment, function(w) return "<img src=\"" .. a.url .. "&w=" .. tostring(size) .. "\">" end)
+ if a.file_type == 'image' then
+ d.content, _ = string.gsub(d.content, attachment, function(w) return '<img src="' .. a.url .. '&w=' .. tostring(size) .. '">' end)
- d.content, _ = string.gsub(d.content, attachment, function(w) return "<a href=\"" .. a.url .. "&dl=1\">" .. a.name .. "</a>" end)
+ d.content, _ = string.gsub(d.content, attachment, function(w) return '<a href="' .. a.url .. '&dl=1">' .. a.name .. '</a>' end)
-- Make an excerpt
if excerpt and string.len(d.content) > 750 then
- d.excerpt = string.sub(d.content, 1, 750) .. "\n[...]"
+ d.excerpt = string.sub(d.content, 1, 750) .. '\n[...]'
-- Check if we need to close a huge code block
local codeblocks = 0
for m in string.gfind(d.excerpt, "'''") do
@@ 46,17 46,16 @@ function _expand_note(d, pointers, size, excerpt)
router:get('/', function(params)
- local col = docstore.col(notes_col)
local args = app.request:args()
-- default search func
local sf = function(doc) return not doc.pinned end
-- check if a text search is requested
- local qs = args:get("qs")
- if qs ~= "" then
+ local qs = args:get('qs')
+ if qs ~= '' then
-- compute the "text fields" on the fly for the text search
- local tf = {"title", "content"}
+ local tf = {'title', 'content'}
-- setup the search function
sf = function(doc) return docstore.text_search(doc, qs, tf) end
@@ 74,22 73,20 @@ router:get('/', function(params)
-- do the query
- local docs, pointers, cursor, stats = col:query(args:get("cursor"), 100, sf, sort_index)
+ local docs, pointers, cursor, stats = col:query(args:get('cursor'), 100, sf, sort_index)
for _, d in ipairs(docs) do
_expand_note(d, pointers, 800, true)
table.insert(jdocs, {doc=d, js=json.encode(d)})
- app.response:write(template.render('index.html', 'layout.html', { app_id = blobstash.app_id, stats = stats, qs = qs, col = notes_col, collections = {}, docs = jdocs }))
+ app.response:write(template.render('index.html', 'layout.html', { app_id = blobstash.app_id, stats = stats, qs = qs, collections = {}, docs = jdocs }))
router:get('/view', function(params)
- local col = docstore.col(notes_col)
local cdoc = {}
local args = app.request:args()
- -- check if a doc ID is requested for edit
- local cid = args:get("_id")
+ local cid = args:get('_id')
if cid ~= "" then
cdoc, pointers = col:get(cid)
_expand_note(cdoc, pointers, 800, false)
@@ 101,12 98,11 @@ end)
router:get('/new', function(params)
- local col = docstore.col(notes_col)
local cdoc = {}
local args = app.request:args()
-- check if a doc ID is requested for edit
- local cid = args:get("_id")
+ local cid = args:get('_id')
if cid ~= "" then
cdoc, _ = col:get(cid)
@@ 115,33 111,32 @@ router:get('/new', function(params)
router:post('/new', function(params)
- local col = docstore.col(notes_col)
local f = app.request:form()
+ -- explicitely use an array here, because if it's empty, Lua won't make the diff between a "array" table and a "object" table
local attachments = json.new_array()
- if f:get("attachments") ~= "" then
+ if f:get('attachments') ~= '' then
attachments = extra.split(f:get('attachments'), ',')
local pinned = false
- if f:get("pinned") == "on" then
+ if f:get('pinned') == 'on' then
pinned = true
local dat = {title = f:get('title'), content = f:get('content'), pinned = pinned, attachments = attachments}
- if app.request:args():get("cid") == "" then
+ if app.request:args():get('cid') == "" then
- app.response:redirect("/api/apps/" .. blobstash.app_id .. "/")
+ app.response:redirect('/api/apps/' .. blobstash.app_id .. '/')
- col:update(app.request:args():get("cid"), dat)
- if app.request:args():get("redirect") ~= "no" then
- app.response:redirect("/api/apps/" .. blobstash.app_id .. "/")
+ col:update(app.request:args():get('cid'), dat)
+ if app.request:args():get('redirect') ~= 'no' then
+ app.response:redirect('/api/apps/' .. blobstash.app_id .. '/')
router:post('/remove', function(params)
- local col = docstore.col(notes_col)
- col:remove(app.request:args():get("cid"))
- app.response:redirect("/api/apps/" .. blobstash.app_id .. "/")
+ col:remove(app.request:args():get('cid'))
+ app.response:redirect('/api/apps/' .. blobstash.app_id .. '/')