reduce-algebra: a portable general-purpose computer algebra system, automatically mirrored from https://svn.code.sf.net/p/reduce-algebra/code/. Please visit the REDUCE Homepage, https://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.io/, to report any bugs or request assistance.
gfcptun: An fast and low-latency connection tunnel using GFCP over UDP.
gfcp: A high-performance variant of KCP for Go
opendnsmyip: A Go package to return the public-facing IPv4 address of the client by querying the Cisco OpenDNS servers
ynetd: a small (< 400 lines of C) server for binding programs to TCP ports
reduce.jl: Symbolic parser generator for Julia language expressions using REDUCE algebra term re-writer, automatically mirrored from https://github.com/chakravala/Reduce.jl
vlarn: a multi-platform rogue-like dungeon crawl adventure
duma: Detect Unintended Memory Access (D.U.M.A.) - A Red-Zone memory allocator
reducelinalg.jl: A selection of functions that are useful in the world of linear algebra, automatically mirrored from https://github.com/JuliaReducePkg/ReduceLinAlg.jl
reducealgebra.jl: Meta-package for Reduce.jl and External Packages, automatically mirrored from https://github.com/JuliaReducePkg/ReduceAlgebra.jl
run-reduce: A JavaFX GUI to run the REDUCE Computer Algebra System, automatically mirrored from https://github.com/fjwright/Run-REDUCE
gfpsgo: gfpsgo is a fork of psgo, an IBM AIX-compatible ps(1) utility and Go library, extended with various descriptors useful for displaying container-related data on Linux.
leaktestfe: A convenience library and front-end for goleak
goc25519sm: A Go package for validated and consensus-safe Curve25519 scalar multiplication
gpushover: Go wrapper for the Pushover API